Why Feminists Hate Beauty (And How Capitalism Makes Fairy Tales Come True) – IOTW Report

Why Feminists Hate Beauty (And How Capitalism Makes Fairy Tales Come True)


TheOtherMcCain: Grace Kelly is arguably the most beautiful actress in cinematic history, yet what if she had never gone to Hollywood? Keep that thought in mind the next time you read a Harvard feminist ranting against “the psychology of female objectification,” or denunciations of “the male gaze” in media.

20 Comments on Why Feminists Hate Beauty (And How Capitalism Makes Fairy Tales Come True)

  1. She was indeed a knockout-I think my favorite Hollywood beauty was probably Marilyn with Jean Simmons a close second.

    The link to Stacy’s pager reveals some pretty crazy thinking by today’s feminists like “all bodies are beautiful” depicting a bunch of obese women sporting their rolls of fat. Yuck-thefuck-O

    In fact, his site is now almost 100% devoted to exposing the crazed shit coming out of modern day feminism. It’s depressing. I know a number of young men in their 20s, good looking guys that make bank, don’t drink to excess or not at all, don’t touch drugs and simply will have nothing to do with women.

    I’m glad I missed that crazy train in my youth.

  2. Anyone remember the movie with the cat burglar/diamond thief Cary Grant?

    She is sitting on the couch, her breasts are “visible” (and spectacular), she has the diamond tiara on around her neck and says “aren’t they beautiful” to Cary.

    Yes. They were beautiful.

  3. Audrey Hepburn; pure cuteness and the guts to be a messenger for the Dutch underground as a kid during WWII.

    And a +1 to MadJack on Hedy Lamar, beauty, brains, and the guts to leave Austria and her collaborator husband when the Nazi’s moved in. Her secret patent is the basis of a lot of today’s WIFI technology.

  4. MM,
    “I know a number of young men in their 20s, good looking guys that make bank, don’t drink to excess or not at all, don’t touch drugs and simply will have nothing to do with women.”

    There’s an entire movement built around that, young men who see through the grasping of ugly (body, mind and soul) women, who would drain a young man of his wallet and his soul. So the young men stay away. They are “friendly, but not friends”.

    This is called MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way. Look it up.

  5. @B Woodman: When I was younger, I used to know a group of young men with exactly the same attributes and attitudes as the ones you and MM describe, except back then they were referred to as homosexuals.


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