Wikileaks publishes Clinton war emails – IOTW Report

Wikileaks publishes Clinton war emails

The Hill

[…] The development comes after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said last month the website had gathered “enough evidence” for the FBI to indict Clinton.

“We could proceed to an indictment, but if Loretta Lynch is the head of the [Department of Justice] in the United States, she’s not going to indict Hillary Clinton,” Assange told London-based ITV. “That’s not possible that could happen.”


7 Comments on Wikileaks publishes Clinton war emails

  1. Hillary made plenty of incriminating statements in public. With a criminal trial, say the Freddie Gray fiasco, we rely on reporters reporting on what happened in a courtroom and draw our conclusions. With Hillary we have plenty of audio and video that proves she was lying. Here’s an example, courtesy of the Washington Post no less:

    “Third, after I left office, the State Department asked former secretaries of state for our assistance in providing copies of work- related emails from our personal accounts. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totalled roughly 55,000 printed pages, even though I knew that the State Department already had the vast majority of them. We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work- related emails and deliver them to the State Department. At the end, I chose not to keep my private personal emails — emails about planning Chelsea’s wedding or my mother’s funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends as well as yoga routines, family vacations, the other things you typically find in inboxes.”

  2. I’m reassessing Assange’s WikiLeaks projects. It’s time that light was beamed into these dark corners whether the perps are conservatives or liberals, whether we agree or disagree with their positions. It would be stunning if the Republic were saved by this man and a few others that turned on the lights and scattered the cockroaches.

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