Women’s March organizers plan a ‘strike’ – a day without women – IOTW Report

Women’s March organizers plan a ‘strike’ – a day without women


The organizers of the Women’s March are planning another rally but have given no details other than one ominous meme.

The group called it a “general strike” for women.

They are calling the protest “A Day Without a Woman” because “the will of the people will stand.”

Except we have elections to decide the will of the people and President Donald Trump won.

What the protest organizers might not have considered is that this protest is music to the ears of some.


h/t Cakes

38 Comments on Women’s March organizers plan a ‘strike’ – a day without women

  1. Will they wear their pink hats again? So inspiring. My gosh.

    I read that the estrogen on parade might happen on May 1st along with the SEIU? Have fun ladies running with the anarchists! I didn’t know destroying Seattle was a feminist right.


  2. Awesome! This will be the like the Day without Mexicans. There will be less traffic. There will be fewer people at work you will be able to get more done. There will be a lot less bitching, moaning and groaning, and talk about inequity and grievances. productivity will skyrocket. Lines at the gas stations and grocery stores will be shorter. Fewer people at the gym so I can workout without a bunch of morons clogging up the lifting stations. Some women like nurses will be missed, but if they want to stay home long term we’ll get men to do those jobs. The wymyn will see how useless they are and how easy it is for things to work without them and it will flop just like the -mexican day did, it will be forgotten, and they will go back to bitching and pestering me to come to a baby shower at 11 am while I am trying to finish a project for a paying client.

  3. Wow! An entire day without having to listen to an endless stream of trivial chatter. An entire day without having to listen to how useless men are, until a spider need to be killed and removed from the room. An entire day of not having to listen to how the fish don’t need bicycles, until the fish need a flat tire changed or someone to escort them to their cars after dark. An entire day of fighting the temptation to tell some cow that, because of her huge sagging tits, her beer belly, and her blimp-like buttocks, she is in no danger whatsoever of being raped. A whole day of not having to explain to some bimbo that she doesn’t make as much as a man because there really just isn’t any market for someone with a PhD in Women’s Studies.

    Could we possibly persuade them to expand this to an entire year?

  4. My wife will be busy, like most days, caring for our two grandchildren, in Bible study and ensuring our household is in order for the next day, she has little time for trivial pursuits she doesn’t believe in.

  5. About the only thing my leftie wife can strike is tending the pets, and I know damn well she won’t do that.

    What I’d love to see her go on strike against is them stupid fucking gayboy reality TV shows. Kee-ripes.

    If she goes out on strike, I am too… I’ll strike against beer. Straight to the vodka.

  6. WOW!
    Now I’m scared!
    My wife doesn’t GAF about any of their totalitarian bullshit, and if they think, even for a moment, that they’re gonna tell her what to do, they’re sadly mistaken.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @TSUNAMI February 7, 2017 at 2:48 am

    > So many potential flat tires. So little skill to change them on their own.

    TSUNAMI! You know making others do for you is a social skill. Check your privilege.

  8. @Meerkat Brzezinski February 7, 2017 at 2:59 am

    > She said You are twice the man I wanted, I replied you are thrice the woman I ever wanted.
    > This is how conservatives respond in private to this progressive crap.

    Trigglypuff and her xude said the same thing.

  9. They will at least be able to make sandwiches and feed themselves but beyond that they are in deep doo doo! Hey men, if any of them need some assistance from you don’t provide it! They are on their own!

  10. The picnic was supposed to celebrate the capabilities of women in a safe, women-only environment, but things didn’t quite go as planned.

    With the sun hanging high in the sky it seemed to be perfect weather for a picnic. But the seven proud feminist friends were in for a big surprise when none of them brought any food at all.

  11. So, when they travel to the ‘march’, and stop to ask for directions, will they have to ask another woman who is also asking for directions?
    Since circular logic seems to be their forte.

  12. next up …. ‘A Day Without Men’

    ‘Breaking News!’
    ….hundreds of thousands of women stranded on the side of the road with flat tires … story developing ….
    ….that ‘thingy’ won’t stop beeping …. story developing
    ….millions of lawns don’t get cut …. story developing
    ….cars, busses, trucks, trains, airplanes don’t get repaired …. story developing
    ….air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces don’t work …. story developing
    … no production of coal, gas … electrical plants shut down
    … no water or wastewater treatment … populous must rely on well water & latrines
    ….produce doesn’t get delivered to stores …. story developing
    ….deliveries don’t make it to restaurants; families can’t eat … story developing

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