🐿Pentagon places 8,500 troops on high alert for possible eastern Europe deployment 🐿 – IOTW Report

🐿Pentagon places 8,500 troops on high alert for possible eastern Europe deployment 🐿

Just The News

The Pentagon on Monday placed 8,500 U.S. troops on “heightened preparedness to deploy” to eastern Europe as tensions grow on the Russian border of Ukraine. 

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby made the announcement Monday during a press conference. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will deploy the troops at the direction of President Joe Biden. 

When asked if troops would deploy within the next 72 hours, Kirby responded: “Today we’re not talking about deployment orders. We have no deployment orders to speak to… I’m just going to leave it at that.”

The thousands of troops include “additional brigade combat teams, logistics personnel, medical support, aviation support, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance,” according to Kirby. more

24 Comments on 🐿Pentagon places 8,500 troops on high alert for possible eastern Europe deployment 🐿

  1. Do we even have 8,500 troops available? Seems as though this admin has gutted the military. What flag will they be wearing on their uniforms…a rainbow flag? Good grief!!

  2. If Biden is trying to convince Putin “not to do it,” he’s failing. Russia is not going to allow the Ukraine to join NATO, and frankly, I don’t blame them. We shouldn’t trust the bulk of Europe as far as we can throw them – either! (Exceptions are Poland, Hungary, Italy and maybe a couple more.)

  3. The 1st Rainbow (Gay) Brigade (8,500 personnel, but 7,500 are cooks) is going to take on the Russian Army, Navy, and Air Force.

    Brig. General Frank Weiner: We’re going to kiss, er, I mean kick Russian ass and my troops are just dying to take a stab at them.

  4. Out of the 8,500 hundred there are only 1000 Combat troops. All the rest are are support Specialists.
    Bullshit Biden response that could have disastrous results.
    The so called commander in Chief, Milley and the Joint Chiefs are incompetent.
    Afghanistan times 20.

  5. They are doing this purely with an eye on the ‘22 elections. They want to portray Dems as fierce defenders of freedom, opposed by feckless, unpatriotic Cons.

    The Late Great El Rushbo taught us to always view the Dems through a lens of the next upcoming election

  6. @ Anonymous JANUARY 25, 2022 AT 8:12 AM

    You are a fool, at best.

    An enemy of America, at worst.

    Add both together and it makes you an enemy of America.

    No wonder you are anonymous.

    I’ll wager you are anonymous to your neighbors, also.

    You are afraid of getting punched in the face because you know you deserve it. So you are anony in all of your interfaces with life.



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