🔥Fire and Ice🧊 – IOTW Report

🔥Fire and Ice🧊

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen — 12 September 2023

As the planet Earth has slowly warmed, in fits and spurts over the last 3 or 4 hundred years since the end of the Little Ice Age,  the worries about global average surface temperatures have ramped up.  The much-denied Global Cooling Panic of the 1970s morphed into the Global Warming Panic when short-lived-cooling stopped and the most current ongoing warming spurt started.

This new panic, the history of which I will not recount, resulted in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and subsequent The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the current crop of international bureaucrats screaming about the Climate Emergency and Global Boiling.   The slight and mostly beneficial general warming is propagandistically portrayed as heating and hotness.  

Heat and Hotness are thus portrayed, always, as Too Much Heat and Too Hot; then to Dangerously Hot and Deadly Heat –in the time-honored 1984-ish propaganda slippery slope. 

Now, the Climate Emergency agenda  demands blood – bodies in the morgue, dead and dying grandparents and dead children, to back up its story-line of  Deadly Heat.  more here

When you have a sec, go look at the Failed Prediction Timeline.

5 Comments on 🔥Fire and Ice🧊

  1. It’s hot….no, how about it’s very hot. Nope, let’s try it’s extremely, body-blasting hot; so hot it will kill men, women, children, puppies and kittens.

    For an exhorbitant price I can fix it, or at least not make it worse. Send me money.

  2. What BS. 2 weeks ago we we 10* over the average high, then the canadian smoke rolled through and we were 10* below normal.
    I always watch the record highs on the news, most are 1898, 1913, and 1931. Every manufacturer, shipping company, and producer, has to pay a carbon TAX, just adding to inflation.
    Like most green energy, the green is in the politicians pocket.

    Lots of information here.

  3. The credulous nature of the human sheep is a wonder to behold. Man caused global cooling WAS a thing fifty years ago, the shrieking totalitarians turned on a dime when conditions changed. Their ‘solution’ did NOT change, leading one paying attention to wonder if the goal has nothing to do with the weather at all.

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