šŸ¤” LA Mayor šŸ¤”: People Fear Crime Because Of ā€œConservative Pressā€ – IOTW Report

šŸ¤” LA Mayor šŸ¤”: People Fear Crime Because Of ā€œConservative Pressā€

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, the democratically elected choice of ballot harvesters whose election was slightly less credible than those conducted in Syria and North Korea,Ā is blaming theĀ ā€œconservative pressā€ for the publicā€™s fear that theyā€™re living in a violent crime-ridden hellhole run by crime pandering politicians.

24 Comments on šŸ¤” LA Mayor šŸ¤”: People Fear Crime Because Of ā€œConservative Pressā€

  1. WRONG!

    LA had to hose between 2 lefties! In reality there was no choice! This has been the case in LA for over 40 years!
    I will name some lefties wit an “R” : Mitch, GWB, Jeb!, Paul R., John Thune…..
    I can give you hundred more if needed!

  2. karen Bass, then 22, was ā€œleader of the Venceremos Brigade in southern California

    ā€œAs a ā€˜brigadistaā€™ and then organizer for the Venceremos Brigades, Karen visited Cuba every 6 months.ā€
    undercover police deputy from New Orleans testified about the vetting process he endured when he applied to join the Venceremos Brigade. ā€œTo be a member of the brigade, you had to be confirmed as a Marxist-Leninist,ā€ he said.

    Bass as ā€œa former Black Panther who founded the Community Coalition in L.A. in 1990, ran for office and was elected to the state assembly in 2004.ā€

  3. I wonder what her definition of crime is?
    an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law:
    “shoplifting was a serious crime”

  4. After her two firearms were stolen, Bass said: “…the incident ‘shattered’ her sense of safety within Los Angeles.”

    That’s the culprit, not the “conservative press”. What shatters me is the high level of crime in LA that affects all law-abiding people, not that her guns were stolen.

    Yeah, her head is weird.

  5. Take away your gunz, po-po and bodyguards; let thieves and burglars break onto your house; let your house be looted, robbed, pillaged;
    After all that, THEN come back to me and tell me how much you fear crime because of the conservative press.
    Then ask me how many fucks I have left to give due to your LibTard DildoCrat policies.

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