🤣 Pro-Illegal Immigration Mayor Bowser requests activation of DC National Guard over migrant buses 🤣 – IOTW Report

🤣 Pro-Illegal Immigration Mayor Bowser requests activation of DC National Guard over migrant buses 🤣

Wa Ex:

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser has requested that the D.C. National Guard be activated indefinitely to respond to migrant buses arriving in the district, according to reports.

The request also seeks permission to use the D.C. Armory, a multipurpose arena located east of the Capitol Building, as a processing center, as more than 150 buses traveling from Arizona and Texas have transported nearly 4,000 migrants to the nation’s capital over the past three months. Bowser and the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency initially sent letters to the Office of the Secretary of Defense in a letter on July 19 and to President Joe Biden on July 22. Neither letter has received an answer, according to NBC.

“The pace of arriving buses and the volume of arrivals have reached tipping points,” Bowser wrote. “Our collective response and service efforts have now become overwhelmed. … Tragically, many families arrive in Washington, DC with nowhere to go, or they remain in limbo seeking onward destinations across the United States.” more here

18 Comments on 🤣 Pro-Illegal Immigration Mayor Bowser requests activation of DC National Guard over migrant buses 🤣

  1. “…Tragically, many families arrive in Wash D.C. with nowhere to go, or they remain in limbo seeking onward destinations across the U.S.”. Here’s an idea, have your DC Nat’l Guardsmen put them back on a bus headed to Mexico instead.

  2. Plenty of space on the White House front lawn and I’m sure the politicians won’t mind them camping out on their doorsteps. The capital police can easily handle them just like Ashli Babbitt

  3. You know, if the illegal aliens weren’t allowed across the border to begin with then they wouldn’t be in this country to be put of a bus for Washington DC. I don’t suppose any of the leftist idiots ever thought of that.

    And if Washington DC is not prepared for the illegal aliens, then what makes the good (and I use that term loosely) mayor think that any of the Red Cities where the illegals show up in in the middle of the night are ready for them either?

  4. @Jarhead Cracka July 28, 2022 at 4:05 pm

    > Here’s an idea, have your DC Nat’l Guardsmen put them back on a bus headed to Mexico instead.

    Why not take them home? Too much “sacrifice” for The Party dole? In perpetuity?

  5. @RadioMattM July 28, 2022 at 4:18 pm

    > You know, if the illegal aliens weren’t allowed across the border to begin with

    The Pharisees that rule you, insist that the cause isn’t Ripe(TM), until they’ve harmed you.

  6. “…the D.C. National Guard be activated indefinitely…”

    …does she not understand that most Guardsmen are NIT full time soldiers and have jobs, homes, and families that DON’T involve the Government?

    Or, like a typical Democrat, does she just not care, they must do HER bidding whatever the cost to themselves?

    …They have better things to do then wipe your Sanctuary City azz, mouthy.

    “As part of the mission, D.C. National Guard members should not be armed, the mayor said, as they won’t be participating in domestic surveillance or law enforcement activities.”

    …then it’s not a job for the Guard.

    “eventual movement to their final destinations,”

    …back home, all those folks know that you need to be in the capital city to catch the crumbs from the tables of the politicians. Since you made this a Socialist county like the ones they left, they instinctively know that DC IS their “final destination”

  7. @Joe Btfsplk:

    We are gonna need more busses. Set up a tent city in Lafayette Park and pair each Asian tourist with an illegal to experience the sights of DC.

    I just dawned on me that there’s room for thousands and thousands of them in homeless camps in Rock Creek Park.

    There’s also the National Mall. The illegals could use one end of the Reflecting Pool for bathing, the other end as a toilet, and take drinking water from the middle.


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