🦆Le lame duck: Humiliated Macron faces vote of no confidence – IOTW Report

🦆Le lame duck: Humiliated Macron faces vote of no confidence

Daily Mail: Emmanuel Macron could face a no-confidence vote after his parliamentary majority was wiped out, with French voters ditching their ‘arrogant’ leader and opting instead for the far-right and far-left. The chastened president, who only two months ago won the presidential elections, now has his tail between his legs after his alliance haemorrhaged 105 seats, meaning he will struggle to force through his centrist agenda.Marine Le Pen‘s National Rally and Jean-Luc Melenchon’s left-wing Nupes alliance were the major winners in Sunday’s vote, which decides the make-up of the 577-seat National Assembly, France‘s lower chamber.

Nupes said today it now plans to put forward a no-confidence vote against the government on July 5.Nupes is the second-biggest grouping in the lower house of parliament, following Sunday’s election, but does not have enough votes on its own to get the no-confidence vote adopted, and has few allies in a very fragmented parliament.But it represents another humiliation for Macron, who was forced to rely on voters across the spectrum to stop Le Pen winning the presidential elections two months ago amid his waning popularity. 

Le Pen said today that her party’s extraordinary surge is a ‘historic victory’ and a ‘seismic event’ in French politics. The electorate turned against Macron’s ‘arrogance’, a government source said, with Le Pen’s National Rally growing from eight to 89 seats, and the Nupes alliance winning 131 seats to become the main opposition force. more

9 Comments on 🦆Le lame duck: Humiliated Macron faces vote of no confidence

  1. Hate to be all in with Bill Gates, but people that think “no confidence” is good enough, so it should be tolerated, to exist, are cancer. Extirpate them first. Decrease the human feet print. Then deal with the rest of the problem (singular).

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