0bama policy using race in school admissions has ended – IOTW Report

0bama policy using race in school admissions has ended

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is rescinding Obama-era guidance that encouraged schools to take a student’s race into account to promote diversity in admissions.

The shift gives schools and universities the federal government’s blessing to take a race-neutral approach in admissions and enrollment decisions.

The affirmative action policies were among 24 documents rescinded by the Justice Department on Tuesday for being “unnecessary, outdated, inconsistent with existing law, or otherwise improper.” Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the changes an effort to restore the “rule of law” and blamed past administrations for imposing new rules without any public notice or comment.

“That’s wrong, and it’s not good government,” Sessions said in a statement.

The action comes amid a high-profile court fight over admission at Harvard University as well as Supreme Court turnover expected to produce a more critical eye toward schools’ affirmative action policies.  read more

9 Comments on 0bama policy using race in school admissions has ended

  1. Gubberment should get out of college, PERIOD! The loans, grants, loan guarantees, affirmative action, ALL OF IT!
    I’d like to see the DoE totally disbanded, but one step at a time.

  2. Good, they stopped race based affirmative action.

    Now let us all – government and industry – start ignoring sex based selections. (I will not use “gender”, as it is a social construct and not a scientific construct, which is set at conception.)

    Merit all the way.


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