0bamas Endorse Kamala – IOTW Report

0bamas Endorse Kamala

10 Comments on 0bamas Endorse Kamala

  1. 0bamas Endorse Kamala

    Yeah…. so what. They also endorsed a pig-eyed, mean, senile, slack-jawed, drooling meatslapper who on a good day is a bumbling half-wit and an evil, creepy, stupid sunovabitch who showered with his daughter and pimped out his own son and used his name for his own personal financial gain.

  2. Barky’s having to eat a few shit sandwiches since he left office. First, he had to watch Hillary crash and burn (although maybe he enjoyed that). Then, he had to endure four years of Trump wrecking his image and schemes. Following that, he had to choke down the “81,000,000 Votes” shit sandwich. Next, he had to watch Biden’s entourage completely wreck the country for no particular gain or reason. Finally—and this is the tastiest shit sandwich of all—he has to endorse a completely charmless DEI cretin, and watch her either get thrashed by Trump or be dragged across the finish line in such an obviously criminal way that the nation becomes ungovernable, and he’s stuck at home with Michael.

  3. It occurs to me, that they may let this election go with no interference, knowing kamalama ding dong will lose handily. They will use that loss to further divide us.

  4. What’s wrong with old Joe? All the networks told me he was sharp as a tack days before he wasn’t.
    Republicans should be playing the montage of all those networks stating how sharp Joe was.

  5. @Thirdtwin,
    Exactly. Obama is a product of faux enthusiasm. He went from a deep state recruit to a deep state insider. He would lose head to head with President Trump today.


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