0bama’s Jeh Johnson Withdraws From Commencement Speech After Backlash Over Treatment of Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

0bama’s Jeh Johnson Withdraws From Commencement Speech After Backlash Over Treatment of Illegal Immigrants

WFB: Former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson withdrew as the commencement speaker for the University of Southern California Gould School of Law after students and faculty protested the Obama administration’s treatment of illegal immigrants during his tenure.

Johnson, who served in the Obama administration from December 2013 through the end of Obama’s second term, was informed by USC Gould School of Law Dean Andrew Guzman that several students and faculty members were upset over the Obama administration’s handling of the immigration crisis. The controversy over Johnson being the commencement speaker was ignited by two Latino professors at the school, Daria Roithmayr and David Cruz, the Washington Examiner reported.

The two professors penned a letter to Guzman in the middle of April complaining that Johnson helped “normalize state violence.”

“USC’s choice to invite Secretary Johnson to speak normalizes illegal state violence. Inviting him to speak to the graduating class legitimates what federal courts and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have recognized as a fundamental betrayal of core values,” wrote Roithmayr and Cruz. “Johnson has repeatedly failed to respect legal and moral limits on the use of government-sponsored coercive force, particularly against children, and has demonstrated a morally repugnant willingness to use those who are most vulnerable among us as means to an end.”  read more

4 Comments on 0bama’s Jeh Johnson Withdraws From Commencement Speech After Backlash Over Treatment of Illegal Immigrants

  1. The radicalization of the American universities is now complete. Once an arena promoting free thought and exchange of ideas, it is no better than a Gulag now. Send your kids to trade/vocational school….they’ll be better off in more ways than a hundred.

  2. Revolutions start in universities, particularly communist ones.

    Those who initially encourage it become the victims as well as those whom they’ve advocated against.


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