1/3 of student loan recipients spent more money in anticipation of debt forgiveness – IOTW Report

1/3 of student loan recipients spent more money in anticipation of debt forgiveness

An Intelligent.com survey revealed that 34% of borrowers would have spent less money had they not been at least somewhat confident of receiving debt relief. Three-quarters of respondents indicated that were either “somewhat” or “very” confident that their debt would be forgiven. MORE

16 Comments on 1/3 of student loan recipients spent more money in anticipation of debt forgiveness

  1. They were bitching being able to afford Uber Eats if their student loans were not cancelled here. The worthless motherfuckers can’t even get off their ass and make a meal for themselves.

  2. Just goes to show that not one of them was taught/shown how to think past the nose on their face. And the bitter pill to swallow here is that they’re not solely to blame for thinking that…some of the older generations have their hands in that quagmire.

  3. “Going to be a lot of leased Mercedes and BMWs being turned in pretty soon.”

    And if you followed them home you’d find them living in an apartment that’s one step up from a card board box.


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