$1 Million in Taxpayer Money Went to Creating Sex App for Gay Black Teens – IOTW Report

$1 Million in Taxpayer Money Went to Creating Sex App for Gay Black Teens

WJ: Some critics are questioning the National Institute of Health for designating more than $1 million in funding to help develop a smart device app that helps gay black teens improve their sex life.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, the project will be headed by a California-based tech firm called dfusion inc. The company plans to create at least two apps, including one called T3.

The software is designed to appeal to black youth between 14 and 17 years old who are looking for sex with men, according to the Free Beacon. In many ways, the app is designed to work like a dating tool with specific tips and advice for its target market.

Among the features its developers tout are tips for avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. more here

18 Comments on $1 Million in Taxpayer Money Went to Creating Sex App for Gay Black Teens

  1. As a taxpayer, I cannot begin to count the number of times I have said “Gee, I sure hope gay teens are having a sufficient number of hook-ups! I guess we should put some more public resources to solving that crisis!” Thank goodness Uncle Sam has his priorities straight!

  2. In most states, a man having sex with a 14 to 17 yo girl would be charged with statutory rape. How can this be legal?
    Just when you think it can’t get any worse……

  3. Sounds like Dems just trying to get more votes. The ass-whooping responsible Black parents give when finding out their child is on the down-low you’d be surprised at. I rather they researched why there is not more Black NASCAR drivers,,,

  4. Didn’t James Gunn just get fired for pedophelia jokes? And now taxpayers are subsidizing pedophelia? WTF? Whoever authorized this expenditure should be thrown out on their ass, immediately.

  5. Yet, the statistic that has always been on the rise for AIDS/HIV is young black gay men.

    Way to go app developers, are you TRYING to kill off this demographic?

  6. Apparently the NIH has too much money on its hands.

    I’m fairly certain that the old fags would have been more than happy to finance this app … without the taxpayers being on the hook.

    Soros, Obola, Gates, Koch Bros., Rockefeller Foundation, Clinton Cartel, Ford Foundation – plenty of money floating around out there for this kind of shit – leave the taxpayers out of it.

    Of course, the whole POINT is to make us complicit in the sin – no one really Gives A Fuck about young negro faggots and their perverted assignations.

    izlamo delenda est …

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