‘1 million Palestinians to settle in Jordan under Trump plan’ – IOTW Report

‘1 million Palestinians to settle in Jordan under Trump plan’

IP: A report released Friday morning claims that the soon-to-be released Middle East peace plan drawn up by the Trump administration – dubbed the “Deal of the Century” – includes large-scale resettlement of Palestinian Arabs in Jordan, the ceding of Jordanian territory to Israel, and the formation of a tripartite confederation between Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel’s Civil Administration to administer Judea and Samaria.

According to the report, published by the Beirut-based Al-Akhbar, sources in Jordan and Egypt say that the much-anticipated peace plan would include a broad regional agreement, with a number of Arab states taking an active role in the deal.

Jordan, for instance, will be asked to permanently settle one million Palestinian Arabs currently listed as refugees. Under the plan, according to the Al-Akhbar report, Jordan would first naturalize 300,000 Palestinian Arabs, including those already living in Jordan, which the report said number no more than 200,000.

Details regarding the present location of the remaining 800,000 were not provided in the report.

Similarly, Lebanon will be urged to grant citizenship to all Palestinian Arabs currently living in the country. The roughly 450,000 Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon have largely been denied citizenship by the Lebanese government, which has restricted their rights since their entry in 1948.

Aside from taking in Palestinian Arabs, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan will also be asked to cede to Israel two areas currently leased by the Jewish state.

Naharayim (Al-Baqoura), which straddles the border between northern Israel and northern Jordan, and Tzofar (Al-Ghamr), adjacent to the Arava district of Israel, were leased to Israel following the Israel-Jordan peace treaty in 1994.

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14 Comments on ‘1 million Palestinians to settle in Jordan under Trump plan’

  1. Apparently nobody before Trump has had the stones to put enough pressure on neighboring Arab states to force them to take care of their fellow ragheads.

    Seems like, anyway.

  2. Excellent. Now he needs to make sure Somalis are no longer considered refugees because they are not being persecuted. Somali is a terrorist nation. If it wasn’t for the Bush and Clinton clans, we wouldn’t have a to deal with the likes of I. Omar.

  3. The “Palestinians” aren’t going to quit their push against Israel even if this deal goes through.

    They really don’t want to move back into Israel, they want the Jew’s to get out of it.

    That’s their goal and they aren’t going to make peace under any circumstances until they achieve it.

    Which means there will be no peace there and all efforts to establish it are an exercise in futility.

  4. Funny thing is the Palestinians are the 2nd most hated people in the Mideast after the Israelis. Even the Palestinians that are citizens of Jordan (the ones that were there when Jordan was created by the Brits from a territory called Trans-Jordan) hate them.

    I’m not sure the Palestinians (the refugee ones anyway) want peace. You have something like 5 or 6 generations that have been taught from cradle to grave both outside school but especially inside school) that the Israelis (and any jew) are their blood enemies and stole the land the live on now. It’s going to take more then citizenship in Jordan or Lebanon to change that.

    @Left Coast Dan;

  5. This is HUGE. It is nothing less than PDJT re-instituting (however incrementally) elements of the Balfour Declaration, and the movement of the Philistines into Jordan and Lebanon (as originally intended). It is nothing less than the recovery of Inheritance, and if it is happening to the Jews it is also happening in the Church. Look Up!

  6. Short middle east history lesson; Once upon a time (around WWI) the French and the British foreign secretaries literally sat down with a map of the “middle east”, or “Palestine” and took a pencil and DREW the borders of Iraq, Jordan and Syria (Lebanon was already a sovereign state), and appointed “Kings” to the various states they had created. What was left over was the “Palestine Mandate” to which European Jews had already started migrating and buying property from the Turkish landlords. The end.

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