10 Most Absurd Excuses From Democrats Caught in Mask Scandals – IOTW Report

10 Most Absurd Excuses From Democrats Caught in Mask Scandals

WFB: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Democratic politicians have consistently supported strict mask mandates for normal citizens. Yet they have just as consistently violated their own policies while attending parties, meeting with donors, or taking part in photo ops with masked children.

These Democrats appear to believe that COVID-related restrictions do not apply to important people such as themselves, but rather solely to the unwashed rubes they represent. That is presumably why most Democrats have responded so indignantly after getting caught in violation of a Democratic-imposed mask mandate or some other COVID policy they claim to support.

The Washington Free Beacon has curated the top 10 most absurd responses from Democratic politicians caught in COVID-related scandals. There were plenty of examples from which to choose, and there will inevitably be more scandals in the coming weeks, as Democrats scramble to reverse their strict masking policies in a desperate attempt to avoid a midterm wipeout. We will update as needed.

19 Comments on 10 Most Absurd Excuses From Democrats Caught in Mask Scandals

  1. Local school board meeting tonight was almost 3 hours of parents yelling at the board to end the mask mandates, as the fat worthless goon JB Pritzker (Gov of IL) is ending the mandates EXCEPT FOR SCHOOLS. Apparently schools around the state are taking it to a vote whether to hold students to the bullshit mandate, as kids are the least vulnerable so it makes zero sense. I thought I woke up in a viral internet video of parents yelling at the school board, it was that good of a meeting. NOT A SINGLE PERSON SPOKE IN FAVOR OF THE MASKS. When the board members spoke, it was hard to hear them, as if they didn’t want their voices heard on record. They don’t believe their own bullshit.

    It went to a vote tonight. 2 in favor of optional mask wearing and 5 FOR continued mandates. These 5 assholes are holding our kids hostage, against the will of everyone.

    I couldn’t help but rub it in the faces of the parents speaking against the board who insisted on additional funding for the school on a referendum 3 years ago. Not only do they disagree with the board today, but they pay them more money every year in taxes to go against their will!! Stupid stupid fuckers. I warned them 3 years ago. Now we have a communist school board and half the school torn to rubble with construction at a near standstill thanks to coof restrictions and we all pay more money for it.

  2. Unfortunately, they can’t say what I say when I am questioned about not wearing a mask when I am out in our city where an unelected “Dr.” imposed an illegal mask mandate:

    “You are wearing a mask, are you also vaccinated?”. Answer is always “Yes”. My reply is “Then you are fine, if masks and vaccines work, you have nothing to worry about. And if you are worried, you need to admit to yourself that you know that neither work”.

    I have not had a reply after that yet.

  3. The 1 thing I have been most concerned about for 2 years is the fibres that the kids are breathing into their lungs from the SHITTTY CHYNA MASKS.

    The N-95 also release shit so don’t tell me a better mask helps. I can feel it on the jobs at location that I am forced to wear them.

    Somehow those bills are ALWAYS hundreds of Dollars more. Don’t know why;)!

  4. Ive actually said this in response to #Why havent you got boosted

    Stop calling it a vaccine. It was a gene therapy serum whose sole purpose was to neutralize the spike protein in Covid Alpha. Omicron is light years different from Alpha. So how does Covid Alpha spike protein neutralizing serum help with Omicron?

    Id LIKE to say that its like demanding that I take the flu shot from 2016 for this years flu .. but then again flu shots generally dont cause heart failure

  5. Whos encountered this stratagem. “Gee, I remember taking the polio vaccine as a child, whats the problem?

    “Thats because no one in their right mind would have said no to the polio vaccine. Polio either killed or horribly disfigured 100% of its victims. Nurses would come down with PTSD from the things they were obliged to do to children just to keep them alive

    Ate you trying to say theres some equivalence here?

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