10 People We Wish Would Just Go Away And Leave Us Alone – IOTW Report

10 People We Wish Would Just Go Away And Leave Us Alone

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: When students of cultural history look back someday at America 2017 they will undoubtedly say it was a banner year for women.  It started with the historic Women’s March the day after the Inauguration of Donald Trump when Ashley Judd went full lunatic and gave a speech for the ages where she lamented everything from jean sizes to her monthly period. Liberal females nationwide have been having a collective ‘period’ every since, while alpha males voluntarily hand over their balls to them.  Time magazine even named a gaggle of women “person of the year” for coming out with alleged tales of sexual misdeeds by the rich, powerful and famous.  Even dictionary editors jumped on the female bandwagon by declaring “feminism” the word of the year.

So, it should come as no surprise that seven of ten people I wish would just go away and stop bothering us 2018 are women (this is by no means a complete list) Here they are in reverse order:

#10 Lena Dunham – Dunham is thankfully a fading entity.  Two years ago, this loony beached walrus would have ended top three, but her drop this year indicates that not even the Left is listening to this actress/activist/liar/hoaxster/scammer/child molester. Yet, she kept herself in the news just enough to crack the top ten, meaning she broke her avowed exit from social media because as any woke justice warrior knows, life just isn’t the same without social media and the cool kids.  KEEP READING

23 Comments on 10 People We Wish Would Just Go Away And Leave Us Alone

  1. “#5 Jimmy Kimmel – Yet another “woman” on the list”

    That list included most of my initial picks, save Chuckie the Clown Schumer. I wouldn’t mind seeing John Kasich on there, too.

    We need to keep Rosie O’Dumbass around because it’s too much fun watching that lard pile melt.

  2. Sadly the list is capped at 10, which is traditional.
    I would like to add my two senators, Timmy Kaine and Marky Mark Warner. Plus Governor McAuliffe. Barack also didn’t make the list but he hasn’t gone away. George Soros.
    Actually the list probably reaches 1,000.

  3. I’d add Bill Kristol, Michael Moore, Evan Mcmullin, Meryl Streep and the rest of Hollywood, Jeff Flake and the rest of the #nevertrumpers, all the elitist globalists, antifa, all the sjw snowflakes, Bernie Sander/Elizabeth Warren and their followers, Madonna, Ashely Judd et al. Just a start to making 2018 a great year.

  4. C.S.Lewis addressed these crazies
    many years ago: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

  5. One exception.

    HRC – lost to Obola AND President Trump!

    She’s a walking joke.
    I hope she stays around for years – a perfect example of corruption and the archetype of Demonrat operatives – like a rat gnawing at the wiring in your tractor. Cart her around in a wheel chair so the stumbling drunk doesn’t hurt herself (again). Tie a drool cup to her chin – or stick it on with super-glue.

    izlamo delenda est …


    Are they protesting against the truly horrific behavior of the ever-encroaching anti-woman movement known as ISLAM? My guess is, those pussy hats are going to stay in storage about that issue for a looooong time.

  7. The vile Linda Sarsour is toxic and cannot meet Jesus fast enough to learn that islam is a Satanic cult.

    I do want Sheila-Jackson-Lee-Idiot and the Hildabeast around forever as the face of the Democrats.

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