10 Possible Translations of Ayatollah Khameini’s Funeral Meltdown – IOTW Report

10 Possible Translations of Ayatollah Khameini’s Funeral Meltdown

*Language Warning*

Ayatollah Khomeini was captured on a flip-phone absolutely melting down at the funeral of Qasem Soleimani, but no one is sure exactly what he was crying about. After hours of effort and painstaking translation, these are the ten most likely English translations of the now-infamous clip circling the internet.

h/t Jerry Manderin.

17 Comments on 10 Possible Translations of Ayatollah Khameini’s Funeral Meltdown

  1. I think he might be mimicking Hillary on election night just after getting the news she lost and Trump won.

    He wanted to publicly display deep grief and sorrow, and that leaked Hillary video was the best example to imitate.

  2. More melt down might be a comin’ for the Iranian tyrants.

    “Hillel Fritsch writes that Soleimani’s death was a major blow to Iran. Without their big terrorist, they’ll descend into a miasma of suspicion of one another….Doron Ishchakov writes that with Soleimani gone, the regime faces a host of dangers, from anger in the ranks at too little revenge for his death, to Middle Eastern crazies taking matters into their own hands, leaving Iran holding the bag. The death blow to Soleimani might just be a death blow to the regime…”

    https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/01/israeli_think_tank_has_soleimanis_number.html .

  3. The Supreme Bacha-Boy kisser has obviously been watching re-runs of Hitler’s & Goebbel’s speeches and focusing on gesticulation for effect. I suggest he get his affairs in order, it won’t be long now. Since the general’s demise I’ve noticed the local ANG or USAF bases are on maneuvers more. Well, I hope they’re just maneuvers.

  4. Let’s give every patriotic conservative American 20 hellfire-equipped ME-based drones and high-speed secure internet connections.

    “Have at it, boys.”

    “Here, hol’ ma beer.”

    Just like a $2000 box of July 4 fireworks, it would all be over in 15 minutes.


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