10 Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks (And Racist, Too) – IOTW Report

10 Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks (And Racist, Too)

Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks – and Racist Too 
By David Horowitz

Black Africans and Arabs were responsible for enslaving the ancestors of African-Americans. There were 3,000 black slave-owners in the ante-bellum United States. Are reparations to be paid by their descendants too?

[1] There Is No Single Group Clearly Responsible For The Crime Of Slavery.

Black Africans and Arabs were responsible for enslaving the ancestors of African-Americans. There were 3,000 black slave-owners in the ante-bellum United States. Are reparations to be paid by their descendants too?

[2] There Is No One Group That Benefited Exclusively From Its Fruits.

The claim for reparations is premised on the false assumption that only whites have benefited from slavery. If slave labor created wealth for Americans, then obviously it has created wealth for black Americans as well, including the descendants of slaves. The GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African-American community the 10th most prosperous “nation” in the world. American blacks on average enjoy per capita incomes in the range of twenty to fifty times that of blacks living in any of the African nations from which they were kidnapped.

[3] Only A Tiny Minority Of White Americans Ever Owned Slaves, And Others Gave Their Lives To Free Them.

Only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves. This is true even for those who lived in the ante-bellum South where only one white in five was a slaveholder. Why should their descendants owe a debt? What about the descendants of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died to free the slaves? They gave their lives. What possible moral principle would ask them to pay (through their descendants) again? more here

33 Comments on 10 Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks (And Racist, Too)

  1. Especially #s 7 & 10, and the reality that if you focus on grievance you won’t make an effort to make your life better. They will be perpetually unhappy, in the belief that only someone else’s actions can bring them happiness – and no matter what actions are taken on their behalf it won’t be enough. Which is the opposite of the truth.

  2. I should add that they think they lack the power to create their own happiness and must depend upon others.
    And they believe this because the Al Sharptons of the world tell them this, that they are inferior and cannot take care of themselves as others can, just so Al can make more money.

  3. Here’s another reason.

    If the slaves were still alive (post-Civil War), it would make sense to reimburse them similar to a civil suit. But they’re not – and their ongoing descendants have since lived in the freest nation on Earth with a certain political element acting as condescending racist snobs: The Democrat Party.

    Many Blacks need to review history. Your gripes are with modern-day and recent RACISTS, not the original ENSLAVERS, many of whom were blacks themselves.

  4. Ten reasons or a hundred reasons, it doesn’t matter, those pushing this idiocy are
    not interested in history, logic, or fairness. If the white libs can be shamed into handing out free money from that magical money tree they have, it’s worth a shot. They just print it up anyway, if the printing press has to work an extra hour a day, what’s the harm?

  5. When would it stop ?? If reparations were paid today, what happens when black minors come of age? Do we then pay them too? How about unborn blacks, will they expect their pay off also ? How many MORE generations expect payment for 150 year old injustice ?

  6. Here’s some nuanced, tongue in cheek thoughts to consider…

    Reparations give politicians the ability to pander and virtue signal by waving a blank check in the faces of voters. Politicians must answer to their boss. It’s not We The People, it’s Central Banks. Central Banks must be enriched constantly with more debt in a debt based system to keep clothes on naked emperors.

    That leads us to the main reason why you would want to support reparations: It’s a puzzle piece to keep the current debt based system afloat by borrowing from the future and driving a deep nail into some future generation. Your life will remain stable and Central Banks benefit from that too, it’s a 2-way street. Just don’t think about The End Game might be next week, next year, just keep thinking you’re screwing a future generation after you’re dead and gone.

    It’s the same thing as a previously issued stimulus package signed off by Central Banks that you have already benefited from. The only difference is it flows thru the hands of blacks first, trickle UP economics. Stimulus money usually flows thru corporations and the 1% first, reparations just flips that on its head, and if you think about it, the chances and speed of that money flowing to your pocket is more likely. Blacks are more loose with their money versus some tightwad 1%’er.

    For the leftarded mind: How could you be against climate change and for reparations? Those two are at odds. You want to end climate change to protect the planet for future generations, but at the same time you’re screwing economic security of the planet by enriching the debt based Central Bank system that will crush every living soul to dust by throwing us all in the poor house simply by growing its ideology when you support reparations.

  7. Sorry, I feel tax enslaved, and have zip to zero ways to limit how many tax dollars get taken out of my wages or pay in other taxes. Don’t tell me voting controls how much I pay, that’s not reality. We don’t. The only ones getting rich are the politicans and their owners. Prove me wrong. When will I get my stolen dollars back?

  8. Judging by the way Jackass Joe has been throwing around Trillions of our hard-earned tax dollars into the four winds, I’d say we’re paying waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much in taxes!!

  9. I am in favor of reparations being paid to all so-called African Americans with a single caveat – If you accept the money a portion of it is automatically used to book yo’ black ass on a direct flight to whatever shit hole country in Africa you chose to relocate and you automatically lose your American Citizenship and can never come back to the United States not even on business (very small chance of that because that would mean yo’ is actually working, medical emergencies, or even vacation. Just think how many of these racist, anti-American, lazy, feral animals we would get rid of forever. Finally our tax payer money well spent. Reparations Now!

  10. The Africans sold their fellow Africans into slavery because they didn’t want their worthless asses around (It was sell them or kill them) Other countries foolishly bought them and look what a disastrous legacy they have been! We need to return them back to their homelands and seek for a refund on the purchase price + interest and care and keeping! A few trillion dollars should suffice!

  11. I wouldn’t be concerned with reparations. It’s never going to happen.
    If it didn’t happen with a black president and a Democratic Congress, then it’s not going to happen.
    Except for the family of George Floyd – they got $27M of reparations – not necessarily because of slavery…

  12. White liberals….
    telling Blacks they can’t attain….
    “The American Dream” without….
    their White liberal help and reparations….
    sounds racist to me….anyone else….????

  13. If we were to use the actual Law of Torts here, as opposed to the tendetious leftist bullshit that now PASSES for law in FUSA*, the descendants of slaves would get nothing. Even more amazing, they’d OWE a debt to the USA

    The test would be .. Are you worse off or better off because you were transported to America

    First some numbers. Only 388K out of 11.5 million Trans Atlantic slaves were brought to America. As
    my childhood friend Theodore Cleever used to say. Gee,WLennie, why so few .. out of like 12 million.

    And I would tell him, “Well gosh, Beeve, thats because elsewhere in the Americas, they needed a constant resupply. Thats because, outside the US, the slaves were worked to death, mostly cutting sugar cane. I guess theres something about that job thats pretty fucking brutal.”

    All stupid parodying aside, here’s a fact that nobody appears to have picked up on. By 1860, these 388K had grown into a population of 3 million, an increase in 800%. In the same time period, the population of the world had merely doubled. At the same time, the population of blacks back in Africa remained THE SAME. No increase at all

    In other words, being brought to America as a slave was like winning a lottery ticket for them. Sounds incredible, but numbers dont lie

    *(Former USA or F#cked Up States of America .. take your pick)

  14. If the wealth of the USA was created by slave labor, then why was the South the most impoverished area in the country after the Civil War?

    1) Whatever wealth was created by slave labor was cancelled out by the costs of the Civil War, especially in the South

    2) The huge earnings that were earned from selling cotton without real labor costs did not redound to the entire nation. There was no income tax at the time. Some income was gained for the Federal govt by tarriffs, but most of the wealth was spent building the immense plantations all over the South

    3) Use of slaves, mostly for cotton, retarded developing other industry in the South, not to mention the modern work ethic, which became the true source of wealth for modern America

  15. The left are using self destructive, gullible, leftard black Americans as a wedge to implement more socialist policies to fracture the economy. Destabilization is the goal. Reparations would become the biggest welfare program ever – draining taxpayers, leaving them with less take home pay for even basic needs.
    Yeah, that’s the plan – more dependence on government, less independence and more control. Socialist corporate, tech and other Deep State conglomerates setting policies/laws will also be getting kickbacks.
    This has been in the process for decades- nothing new. It’s just that there are now socialist indoctrinated generations thoroughly stupid enough to think reparations, a Marxist doctrine is a good idea.

  16. Slaves were here because their enemies and relatives sold them to slavers on the coast. England, Portugal, the Dutch and France shipped the slaves here. The ships used for the most part were provided by rich men north of Richmond, a Southern ship never transported slaves and the main state shipping slaves came from Massachusetts. The South had most of the slaves as no one else wanted them, they were treated well. Slaves like any expensive farm elements required financing and insurances, you guessed it, from New York. The inevitable Civil War involved principals much like we have today, my ancestors just did not desire to live with Yankees, same as now and I would sign up tomorrow if we could get it going again. Which might happen. After the war former slaves were given 40 acres from various plantations. But the Yankee was not content. The Feds then held our states for another 12 years and robed us blind. To project their authority, they used slaves drafted into their army. And thus was born racial disharmony.

    Stick the eparations were it don’t shine, and if the crazy people give it out, it will not go far,

  17. Drob above has the definitive answer. Reparations is an election season ploy to lure and secure a certain portion of “the black vote” for the ever-promising but never-delivering Dems who point at the GOP and scream “racists!”.


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