10 year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling – IOTW Report

10 year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling

Trump unveils new border crime policies.

12 Comments on 10 year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling

  1. Have to have a conviction prior to sentencing.

    The FBI won’t investigate and the DOJ is hardly likely to prosecute, considering that most of them (FBI and DOJ) are in on the smuggling/pedophilia thing.
    Additionally, most Federal Judges are perverts who are more than likely to find ways to acquit their suppliers of toddlers.

    Don’t think I’ll hold my breath on this one.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is why they fear and hate him. I’m pretty sure he’s the one behind Epsteins list reveal. That’s the swamp he has been referring to all along.


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