100 Killed Or Injured In Afghanistan Mosque Explosion – IOTW Report

100 Killed Or Injured In Afghanistan Mosque Explosion

Daily Caller: At least 100 people were reportedly killed or injured after an explosion at a Shiite Muslim mosque in Kunduz, Afghanistan, a Taliban official said, the Associated Press reported on Friday.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, though Islamic State militants typically target the Shiite Muslim minorities in the country, according to the AP. A suicide bomber embedded with worshipers might have committed the attack, Kunduz Province Deputy Police Chief Dost Mohammad Obaida said.

The “majority of them have been killed,” Obaida said, according to the AP. “I assure our Shiite brothers that the Taliban are prepared to ensure their safety.” more

25 Comments on 100 Killed Or Injured In Afghanistan Mosque Explosion

  1. Were they being business like and professional? That’s all that really matters. The victim’s families were heard saying “let’s go Brandon.”
    Authorities are trying to piece together what happened.

  2. Sunni vs Shiite.
    Let ’em have at each other.
    Over there.
    Zero Effs given over here.

  3. What would you expect from the Graveyard of Empires
    for 1000 years…..
    Bomb blasted Mosques rape terror mayhem murder
    coming here as we speak………..

  4. The reality is that we simply can’t do anything about Afghanistan. I understand Bush going in to chase bin Laden, not the 2-decade occupation because we were never going to be able to help the people – if they want greater freedom they are going to have to take it for themselves. There will be atrocities, but unless we continued to commit trillion$ and the lives of our soldiers we can’t do anything about it, no more than we do in China, North Korea, Russia, etc.
    Certainly the Biden exit was atrocious, and there are still people that need to be extricated, but as to the Afghan citizens, no matter which president the pullout happened under they were doomed to a return to Taliban rule and the accompanying terror.

  5. When I was younger and much more naive LDS child of a Navy father I joined the Army and charged up every hill with the flag in hand

    After 34 years I can honestly tell you the war in Afghanistan was just a giant money laundering operation for the deep state similar to how Africa always has been and always will be.

    I still love that flag with all my heart but just like Vietnam this war was merely a device to enrich the cabal

    I have stated many times on this site that Afghanistan will never become more than a medieval pastice of tribal chieftains in a state of constant war.

    We came in, skimmed trillions of the top and left the Talibs nothing but 84 billion in weapons and ammo to continue killing each other with.

    The gold and foreign reserves are all safely in the hands of the cabal and now its China’s turn to suck out trillions of minerals from these quarreling primitives.

    Less than 10% of Afgans evacuated were American citizens, SIV or green card holders.

    This was by design, those who held patriotic views were deliberately stranded to be killed.

    In exchange we have 110 thousand illiterate child raping Jihad loving infidel haters.

    Again by design.

    Prepare yourselves for Taiwan to fall just before the midterms so the Pedo can put us into a national emergency without actually saving Taiwan.

    They will use any pretense to postpone the coming ass whipping and hold onto power.

    They will also probably take out Ole Pedo with a white Maga hat wearing crazy veteran so they can take all our guns, maybe even rub out some school kids like Barry did in the process.

    Expect all forms of social and economic breakdowns as they will never allow an honest election to ever happen again.

    I might come across as a conspiracy nut and I fell hard for the Qanon CIA op, but look at what they have done in 9 months and ask yourself if things are gonna get better or worse in the next 9.

  6. Rule of thumb: when Savage islamic Group A is terrorizing Savage islamic Group B, just say, “Ah, that’s a shame” and don’t give it another thought. The group being savaged today will be the group being the savages tomorrow.

  7. Good observations Cisco!
    The future may or may not play out exactly as you describe, but I think you are more right than wrong and you are right on the money (literally) with Vietnam and Afghanistan!

  8. Well, were out so they need to kill somebody.
    Just checked at Jihad Watch, 40,182 deadly terrorist attacks since 9/11. The actual kill counts is way higher.
    If I was in the military I’d be looking for the exit door under this fake administration. The only reason they have your back is so they can stab it.


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