100% Truth. – IOTW Report

100% Truth.

18 Comments on 100% Truth.

  1. I think black voters who are thinking of voting for Harris (or any Demoncrat) needs to hear about Kamala’s ethnic identity fluidity (especially the video of her with Mindy Kaling talking about their shared Indian heritage).

  2. One of my long time good friends (45 years) emailed me after the black journalist conference and couldn’t stand that Trump made Kami’s race switching an issue. He thought it was major mistake. I told him to relax, let Trump be Trump. He wasn’t convinced.

  3. They’re saying Trump is afraid to debate this moron. Ok, let’s walk this dog…anyone who accuses DJT of being afraid of ANYTHING is a veritable moron….let’s go:

    They throw everything they can at Trump, including bullets, and he cowers from NOTHING. PROVEN.

    Yet, what else must we see from the Biden yrs to know that they run away from EVERYTHING? No rallies, hiding in basements, no press conferences, rejection of responsibility, blame game continues i.e. Trump responsible for the border disaster, failed economy, at the end of a useless term?

    Remember the Black Messiah?

    First term, blamed Bush.

    Second term, blamed Congress.

    Trump’s first term, took credit.

    Now this? Wake up and remember

  4. It does not matter how you identify yourself. If you have at least two brain c3ells to rub together, you will not vote for Harris or any other Democrat for that matter.

  5. Two months ago the legacy media was talking about replacing Klammy the Climate Czar as VP because they were worried she was dragging Old Joe down. It’s amazing they haven’t gotten whiplash from the 180 they just pulled.

  6. @ Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk:

    So did Harris’ ancestors own black slaves or Indian slaves?

    Don’t leave out the Irish indentured “servants” treated like slaves.

  7. Never underestimate the gullibility of Plantation slaves.

    They really have no interest in the “Live Free or Die” philosophy – more like the “Gimmee Free Shit or I Burn My City Down” philosophy (which I attribute to the culture – imposed by the Plantation masters, not the man).

    Face it – it’s difficult to turn your back on $60,000/yr worth of free shit if you agree to sit home, smoke dope, and watch TV as opposed to getting up off your ass and going to work.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It’s big enough the Lefties are panicking. And the icing on the cake is it’s young blacks, so this is the last generation they can screw.

    And the Hispanics are right behind them.

    Trump knew exactly what he was doing.

    As always.

  9. the voting blacks have always been ok with dems coming to their churches and patronizing them with southern black accents. yet 95% line up to vote for the dems.
    why would Kamala be any different. how can her proclaiming to be black be any more offensive than Clinton,Gore, Hillary, Biden talking in black accents in their churches?

    now if blacks are waking up to the economic damage being done to them, i can believe that. i hope that is the case because that means the identity politics and patronizing is not working like it once did.


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