11 jetliners ‘missing’ after Islamist takeover of airport – IOTW Report

11 jetliners ‘missing’ after Islamist takeover of airport


We found out on Sept. 11 what can happen with hijacked planes’

Eleven commercial jets have reportedly been stolen in recent weeks in Libya, and Western intelligence agencies have begun warning they could be used in terror attacks on Sept. 11, the anniversary of the devastating Osama bin Laden-orchestrated attacks on New York and Washington that left nearly 3,000 dead.

According to a report in the Free Beacon, the jets were taken by Islamist militias in Libya, and reports distributed within the U.S. government “included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack … on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks …”

One official in the report assembled by the highly respected Bill Gertz said, “There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing. We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes.”

Gertz now is senior editor of the Free Beacon, but he built his career during 27 years as reporter, editor and columnist with the Washington Times. He’s also authored six books and his online biography reveals the state-run Xinhua news agency in 2006 identified him as the No. 1 “anti-China expert” in the world.

His report about the missing jetliners notes authorities have a high level of concern because of the convergence of the cases of missing airplanes and the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

It also is just two years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, a scandal that still is reverberating through the Obama administration and threatening to become a game-changer for the 2014 elections.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in that attack.

A State Department official declined comment, Gertz reported.


h/t  Larry

18 Comments on 11 jetliners ‘missing’ after Islamist takeover of airport

  1. Obama’s chickens are coming home to roost on hijacked jet liners…. Either he’s the most incompetent president to hold office in any country or he is purposefully destroying America……

  2. How much of this is a game and how much is real? So do we now start shooting down suspect airliners? Do we surrender more freedoms? Are we being scared into letting government get bigger?

    Obama has spread distrust around the entire globe.

  3. Look for Malaysian flight 370 to be making an appearance. Ye know Fox news suspended that Major they have on because he embarrassed them insisting this plane was in Pakistan after it was reported down in the Indian Ocean. Notice he’s back.

  4. i’ve read 2 reports on this and i still dont know how they went missing. Are the aircraft hidden behind the hangars, dismantled, or did they take off from the airport?

    11 jetliners. 9 days to sept 11. prepare.

  5. Three churches one hour south of Indianapolis got spray painted with the word “infidel” and a quaranic verse yesterday. Big muzzie population in Indy.

    The muzzies are restless. We really need to sacrifice some goats to distract them. Perhaps herds of goat that are used to clear brush can be set loose in the area.

  6. White House spokesgal, Jen Psaki, sez watch our action. The president ordered 100 attacks. Yeah sure, one at a time. A goat here, a camel there, maybe even a tent here and there. “You put your left leg in, you pull your left leg out, you do the hokey pokey and you turn all around….. That’s what it’s all about.”

  7. My suspicion is that the 11 planes plus the one from earlier are being repainted at a hidden base by terrorists with help from our “ally” Russia. They will be unmarked, perhaps painted sky blue to blend in or black to be flown into targets at night. Coordination with flight controllers worldwide will need to be prearranged. Barky will be away at some place safe (newly carved tunnels under the midsection of America) for safety until he reemerges to rule as an dicktaster….

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