115-Year-Old Boy Scouts of America Ditches Name to Be More ‘Gender-Neutral’ – IOTW Report

115-Year-Old Boy Scouts of America Ditches Name to Be More ‘Gender-Neutral’


The 115-year-old organization known as the Boy Scouts of America has officially changed its name to be more “gender neutral.”

The official change happened on Saturday and the organization is now called Scouting America, according to Fox News.In 2013, the organization began allowing gay young people to join and later ended a ban on gay adult leaders, the article continued:

President and CEO Roger Krone told the Associated Press there was “some backlash,” but said there was a small spike in membership after announcing the rebranding in May.“The fact that we were going with a more kind of gender-neutral name, a lot of people kind of wanted to know more about it,” Krone told the AP.

In recent years, the organization also grappled with bankruptcy and the biggest child sex abuse case involving a national group in America’s history, USA Today reported Saturday.The updated name is now featured on the organization’s website. Under its “Diversity” point, the site reads, “The BSA promotes a culture where youth, volunteers, and employees feel a sense of belonging — where every person feels respected and valued.”In May, NBC Bay Area reported the organization allowed girls to join several years prior and featured one young woman who achieved the rank of Eagle Scout when she was 14:


29 Comments on 115-Year-Old Boy Scouts of America Ditches Name to Be More ‘Gender-Neutral’

  1. News flash: The Boy Scouts has not existed for years. The name is nothing but a brand used to sell bullshit at this point.

    It’s no different than Maytag. When you bought an authentic Maytag automatic laundry it was a substantial investment and you got something that was unique in the automatic laundry market. Today Maytag, shmaytag and it is just a name on a piece of shit disposable appliance.

    The Boy Scouts brand isn’t worth anything more than the Maytag brand, and probably is worth even less. Everything the left touches doesn’t necessarily turn to shit, some of it does, but most of it they have deliberately, systematically, gratuitously and intentionally destroyed.

    At this juncture they still recognize some value in holding onto Scouting as a way to groom and sexually exploit kids. That is the only thing motivating this.

  2. I’d bet the farm that the dirty motherfuckers have been absolutely swimming in USAID money as well.

    … and don’t even get me started on what the filthy bastards turned the Girl Scouts into.

  3. “the organization also grappled with bankruptcy and the biggest child sex abuse case”

    And yet, gay scout leaders are welcomed with open arms, the incongruency of this is lost on those idiots.

    So The Boy Scouts have to change their name and allow girls, but Girl Scouts Dot Org is still a thing, alive and well, but no boys allowed. Gynocentrism strikes again.

    Feminism has won; they have destroyed the family unit, denigrated motherhood and produced a generation of women who hate men, value careers over children, and shaped our society so caustic to men seeking matrimony, so now men would rather skip marriage altogether. It’s safer and more conducive to men’s mental well being.

  4. It’s a surprise to me that the “BSA” DIDN’T go bankrupt.
    After it was found out that they had allowed in many “gay” (i.e., pedo groomer) leaders, most, if not all the church organizations that had formed the majority of their membership left.
    Sooo….which begs the question, what money HAS been keeping the “SA” afloat?
    I wouldn’t be surprised to eventually find out that O’Bozo/Pedo Joe was funneling USAID money to the “SA” (The Nazi Party’s paramilitary organisation were the Sturm Abeilung, more commonly known as the SA, also known as ‘brownshirts’).

  5. “In 2013, the organization began allowing gay young people to join and later ended a ban on gay adult leaders…”
    “In recent years, the organization also grappled with bankruptcy and the biggest child sex abuse case involving a national group in America’s history…”
    I’m not saying there is clear causation here. What I do believe is records show this was already going on in secret and kids were terribly abused and lives ruined. This is just now allowing it out in the open and straight people and concerned parents now have no authority to resist it.
    Speaking as a past troop leader and father of an eagle scout – Why on earth would anyone with any sense join now?

  6. Was a Boy Scout in the 1960’s and it was a time when you were well respected and people thought highly of you. My troop leaders were WW2 Military instructors. We learned survival skills and did community service.
    Today, it would be embarrassing to admit you were a scout. So Sad…

  7. And so, do queers. Since the late 60’s gays and lesbians and other assorted queers have ruined everything and expect us to join in their queerness. I will not participate; I don’t care what they do in private but the minute that they expect me to condone their ungodly sexual acts they can go to hell. They can expect no sympathy from me.

  8. There is absolutely no activity or institution that has been infiltrated and taken over by “progressives” that they have not turned into a satanic cult designed to enable groomers and sexual predators. Not one single one. The bastards are hard wired that way. The Democrats at a bare minimum sympathies lie with those who are out and proud about it, the Republican establishment feigns opposition to it, but they are more or less fine about it.

  9. If you want to find out where most of the funds donated to them go check out the salary structure of the national executives of both the boys’ and girls’ organizations!


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