117 Children In Wicomico Public Schools Sent To Emergency Rooms In Handcuffs – IOTW Report

117 Children In Wicomico Public Schools Sent To Emergency Rooms In Handcuffs

Many Are Students With Disabilities.

The Easton Gazette: In a story from U.S. News and World Report, parents and officials are claiming that 117 children in the Wicomico Public Schools on Maryland’s Eastern Shore have been sent to emergency rooms in handcuffs due to behavioral issues. Many of these students have disabilities. more

29 Comments on 117 Children In Wicomico Public Schools Sent To Emergency Rooms In Handcuffs






  2. @Benito … yes, remember the paddles … most teachers had beautiful 3/4″ hickory paddles w/ 3/4″ holes drilled in them … for effect (made by the Wood Shop classes, bt

    … good times … we understood that the punishment fit the crime

    we dealt w/ it & didn’t whine about it … if you did you were considered a total wuss

    maul-ball anyone?

    … got slammed up against the lockers (repeatedly) for wearing Chuck Taylors into the school

  3. “… sent to emergency rooms in handcuffs due to behavioral issues.”


    I know MD’s fucked up, but that don’t make no sense, at all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. My father-in-law was Vice Principal and a teacher at a Catholic parochial school who was an enforcer of the rules who called his paddle the board of education and wasn’t afraid to use it on unruly kids back in the so-called dark ages of the 60’s and 70’s. Heck, we got hacked in Junior High in the mid 60’s for stepping out of line so that we didn’t have to dance with the ugly girls or fat girls when we had to dance with them in gym class. It was a different time back then and for the most part it worked in keeping the riff raff down. I got into a lot of trouble because I hated JH school and was bored shitless because I was smarter than most of the other kids. I never got hacked but they did put me on Ritalin (I dislike intensely school administration shrinks) to try and control me which only made things worse. But I survived, thank God for a few good teachers who stood up for me. Now it’s the black kids and other minorities including the LBGTQ freaks who are the probem with no discipline so what else would you expect, and as usual whitey gets the blame. If teachers were still able to control their classrooms and effectively kick some ass for the jerks who deserve it, we would have far fewer problems in pubic schools. But I’m old school so what do I know.

  5. And four buses were required to transport those 117 students.

    It must have overwhelmed the Emergency Room!

    Wait. One at a time? In handcuffs to an Emergency Room? Like they were hurt because they were hurting themselves or got hurt while fighting and wouldn’t stop?

    And some had disabilities? Like being retarded?

    What the hell is in the drinking water of Maryland’s Eastern shore? Or is it too many mutated, dingbat Democrats procreating like rats and being taught by liberal, everyone-gets-a-trophy, overweight, female teachers?

  6. I don’t understand being sent to the Emergency Room for “behavioral” issues.
    What’s the ER supposed to do? Sedate em and park em?
    Passing the buck?
    Take em to the frickin jail.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Back in my day they’d just whack off a finger tip in the Principals office using the paper cutter, slap a band-aid on it and send you home with a note to your mother. That was good for another smack or two across the mouth.

    That’s not a joke.

  8. geoff the aardvark
    SATURDAY, 9 DECEMBER 2023, 4:40 AT 4:40 AM
    “I never got hacked but they did put me on Ritalin (I dislike intensely school administration shrinks) to try and control me which only made things worse.”

    …they tried that with me too. Total backfire, made me MORE hyper so they gave it up. I was ADHD when it wasn’t a “thing”, and the “counseler”, whether a shrink or not (didn’t pay attention to titles then) was worse than useless. I baled out to vocational school for cars as fast as they let me.

    Shrinks were worthless then, and completely evil now. To hell with psychiatrists and all their woke psychologist partners, they only ratify mental illness now and try to force the sane to ACCEPT it.

  9. “Do no harm.”

    To big pharma.
    To insurance companies.
    To corporate hospital chains.
    To the FDA.
    To the CDC.
    To Federal “entitlement” programs
    To big government.

    To you and me? Eh!

  10. …don’t get the handcuff thing. Even in the insensitive ’80s/90s WE were taught to treat mental illness as any OTHER medical problem, with the same care and respect accorded a cancer victim or heart attack patient. There were measures taken for medic and patient safety as fights in the confines of a 6’x8′ moving vehicle with lots of metal things and unlocked doors are good to avoid, but even when the cops red tagged someone as a violent mental they didn’t get cuffs, they’d get leather restraints or folded triangular bandages to secure them to the cot as handcuffs would do severe damage to a thrashing person’s wrist and are a HELL of a weapon if a wrist gets a cuff then they get loose and start swinging the uncuffed side wildly around.

    And they were NEVER transported by police vehicles to to hospital, ALWAYS in a squad. The police car would usually follow, especially if a crime was involved, but the patient went on a cot in an ambulance. You did occasionally see cuffed patients at the hospital, but usually non-mental patients who were there because of physical injury from either their crime or their capture who were considered sane enough to not tear their wrists up in insensate struggling. Even then the docs didn’t welcome it because it interfered with access for patient care, and it was more typical that the cop would just stand in the background scowling at the uncuffed patient unless actively transporting or treatment is delayed.

    …as far as what goes on with mentals at the hospital, even then with “deinstitutionalization” in full swing the answer for what the hospitals did was “Not Much”. They’d get bored and sometimes turn them loose so fast we’d still be writing our reports as they were walking out, but that’s a different subject for another day…

  11. Watch any YT video of police arrests. After a scuffle, when the cops finally get the cuffs on the perps, they nearly all claim they have a medical issue, or they claim they are pregnant, or since Floyd, “I can’t breathe”. The protocol is to have EMS show up, and/or take them to the ER. It’s like some kind of course is taught in the ghetto. Especially the women; they think it is better to go to the hospital than the jail.

    The article says “many with disabilities”. Really? How many? 3? 4? 20? If low IQ is a disability, it is probably the whole school.

  12. Probably some frequent fliers in there. Likely a few 6+ foot 200+ pound “children” involved. Probably all “good kids” hetting social promotions, and school is daycare for exhausted parents.

  13. How strange.

    I went through all the years of school back in the day, in a large semi-rural school, and there was not one incident of violent misbehavior in any classroom that I can recall. We had one kid, class clown, who periodically was “sent to the principal’s office” to sit and be lectured for an hour after he shot spitballs or made some funny comment about the teacher when her back was turned…

    Perhaps it’s time to stop with the “mainstreaming” of “mentally challenged” children, reinstitute expulsion, stop drugging kids, disband the Dept. of Education (which has made finding “special needs” students to be a cash cow), and hire some real teachers who know how to manage a classroom instead of green-haired nincompoops.

  14. Tony R
    SATURDAY, 9 DECEMBER 2023, 9:00 AT 9:00 AM
    “The protocol is to have EMS show up, and/or take them to the ER. It’s like some kind of course is taught in the ghetto. Especially the women; they think it is better to go to the hospital than the jail.”

    …this predates George Floyd by a wide margin, and wasn’t restricted to Black people in my experience. Of course cops weren’t NEARLY so shy about deploying their PR-24s, so depending on how the struggle went and the cop’s personal proclivities, some folks would have very legit head, joint, and forearm injuries. At that time and place Mace was a “thing” so, unsurprisingly there were breathing and vision complaints from that too, but if you could get some level of cooperation you could usually irrigate the eye problems away without a trip to the hospital.

    But any prisoner, given a choice between jail or hospital would get in the squad before I would just to avoid lockup for a bit longer and maybe plan an escape. I rarely felt ant real threat from them though, as it was usually not felonies and they could usually see the blue lights flashing behind our unit as we went down the road so they’d know the police hadn’t lost interest and would be more than happy to enthusiastically re-acquire them should they be fool enough to jump out onto his hood. Most just tried to exaggerate their ailments, generally not realizing that I wasn’t the one they needed to impress, but I’d dutifully memorialize it with a brief scrawl, such as “pt. c/o dyspnea s̅ presentation”, meaning “Dude is yelling that he can’t breathe while showing no signs of breathing issues” (which was NOT the media incitement phrase it is now), give dude some O2 if not already (putting a guy on a cannula @2 LPM usually weeded out the fakers, and you don’t want to go to high concentrations unless there’s real need as it can make people VERY excitable which is not great when transporting a detainee and also actually make some COPD patients STOP breathing), and just leave the guy from there to try to impress the low-level ER resident who’s punchy from his 36 hours of call and not really interested in entertaining guy’s shit, but that’s between the hospital and him, I’m out.

    It doesn’t really buy them anything, they’re still going to the hoosegow quick as they are released, but every now and again the doc finds an ACTUAL problem, so I guess you could argue that it’s spinning the jail roulette wheel, it’s free to you Mr. Prisoner and delays your buggering, so why not try…

  15. We had a shop teacher that used a canoe oar for a paddle, and yes, there were holes drilled in it. I was on the receiving end of it once and had trouble sitting the rest of the day.

  16. Also, if a parent had done this, all of their kids would have been taken away and they would be in jail. A school cop does it and he doesn’t even lose his job as a cop.


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