12 ways free trade is ruining our nation – IOTW Report

12 ways free trade is ruining our nation

WND: Unless you don’t mind if our country slides into fiscal bankruptcy and oblivion, then trade policy needs to be your No. 1 issue in this year’s election.

Free trade is bad for America, because free trade:

  • Causes persistent trade deficits
  • Increases the unemployment rate
  • Is the main contributor to our budget deficits and national debt
  • Reduces our national GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
  • Subsidizes foreign imports at the expense of domestic production
  • Makes it harder to find and buy American-made products
  • Reduces American wages, destroying our capacity to buy
  • Encourages producers to evade U.S. laws and rewards them for doing so
  • Is based on double standards
  • Erodes our national sovereignty
  • Suggests that the grass is always greener on the other side
  • Is contrary to what our Founding Fathers had in mind

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9 Comments on 12 ways free trade is ruining our nation

  1. “Free” in “free” trade needs to be in scare quotes. Actual free trade does not require any laws or regulations, in fact it requires the absence of laws and regulations, and JustAl has it exactly right. The term “black market” is used by govts when free people ignore their laws and regs.

  2. Hmmmm. All this time I thought the main reason we are not competitive in the world market is because of the hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats and regulations manufacturers had to take on just to make a profit. Then when manufacturers do make a profit, hundreds of thousands of lawyers are lined up to file frivolous law suits.

  3. You forgot how “free trade” laws make it virtually impossible for average people to set up a business nor keep it afloat should it be successful because there some patent or copyright from East Bumfuckistan will be “infringed” according to some Fed bureaucrat cocksucker who sues you and shuts down your business.

  4. Unless one accepts the notion that we are less productive, less intelligent, and less motivated than the rest of the world, every one of those are arguments against regulated trade as they don’t apply to free trade.
    What I get from this is that the author thinks we are all stupid and the solution is to force us to buy things we don’t want rather than getting the government out of the way so we can make what we want.

  5. Globalization means that we will all reach basically the same level of living – basically the pathetic quality of life lived by the majority of the world.

    Otherwise they will keep migrating to places with better qualify of life, and bring those places down.

    It is simple, and is part of basic science and engineering – equilibrium in the absence of barriers. Misery to those of us who have worked hard to establish a reasonable nations state. Seeing it thrown to the winds by evil fools.

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