12 year-old boy shoots (and kills) armed home invader – IOTW Report

12 year-old boy shoots (and kills) armed home invader


A 12 year-old boy shot and killed a home intruder during an armed robbery early Saturday in North Carolina, police said. A resident of the apartment was also shot by the masked intruders during the home invasion, according to the Goldsboro Police Department.

The perp with a gunshot wound was found at an intersection half a block from the apartment, police said. He was identified by police as Khalil Herring, 19, of Goldsboro. read more

8 Comments on 12 year-old boy shoots (and kills) armed home invader

  1. I’ma gonna go out on another limb and suggest that Khaili was not an Irish American and probably voted democrat.

    Good shooting young man! Just remember that Biden and the dems would deny you the right to defend yourself and your loved ones.

  2. damn Big Media journo-lists. They left out the type, make, model and caliber of the firearm. They don’t want helpful information getting out to other good citizens who want to defend themselves.

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