12-Year-Old Distant Relative Of J.D. Vance Denied Heart Transplant Because Of Vaccination Status, Family Says – IOTW Report

12-Year-Old Distant Relative Of J.D. Vance Denied Heart Transplant Because Of Vaccination Status, Family Says

100% FedUP

A 12-year-old distant relative of Vice President J.D. Vance was denied a heart transplant because she’s unvaccinated against COVID-19 and flu, the girl’s family said.

The Indiana family said Cincinnati Children’s won’t put their daughter on the transplant waiting list because of her vaccination status.

“Janeen Deal, who is related by marriage to Vice President JD Vance’s half-siblings, said the hospital requires her daughter to receive COVID-19 and flu vaccinations, which Janeen and her husband are unwilling to do,” Cincinnati Enquirer reports. read more

18 Comments on 12-Year-Old Distant Relative Of J.D. Vance Denied Heart Transplant Because Of Vaccination Status, Family Says

  1. Remember when they were the dancing Healthcare Heroes on the flashmob frontlines fighting the coof menace?

    And where’s a usurping federal judge when you need one to use her illegitimate powers to do some good?

  2. I am today sitting in a hospital room, as a family member’s patient advocate. Admitted last night from ER, repeat visit, good hospital, lets me stay 24/7. This time, a covid test showed positive (on top of chronic condition). So, I put the IV rack in the corner, behind the recliner so nurse would have to wake me to get to it. This morning, doc says they can offer ‘therapeutics’ for the covid. What, Remdesivir? Yes. Nope, we’re not interested in that. Patient had covid 3 years ago, treated at home w/ivermectin and hydroxychloraquin; can you offer that? Nope, they’re not approved.

    Proven effective –in this patient, even– but not approved. By whom?!

    But here’s the kicker: Patient doesn’t go anywhere but medical appointments. Had to have caught the illness while in the care of the system. And then, the system’s solution is organ failure as a treatment. The doctors and nurses are nice enough and some of them fully concur with our preferred treatment (especially considering patient’s chronic illness), but there is only one protocol they are permitted to administer.

    So, here (again) is my PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Don’t you or your loved ones go near a hospital without a legally designated patient advocate to speak for you, in case you get too sleepy or too sick to speak for yourself. You are likely to wake up with a standard protocol drip in your arm. Or not to wake up.

    And don’t even get me started on last night’s rescue squad… one of whom told me I couldn’t ride in the ambulance –because of covid restrictions, two of whom told me it would be fine, and the fourth one who declared himself ‘in charge,’ and told me I couldn’t –because of insurance regulations. They drove off in two vehicles, leaving me home alone at night, up a hill in a snowstorm on a secondary road, and taking the semiconscious patient to the ER without the glasses, medications, and insurance info in my purse. Fortunately, I have redneck friends with gas-guzzling off-road trucks. Every damn time I deal with the ‘health’ system, they throw some new cruelty or stupidity at us. Sorry for venting. Now I know why SNS’s posts tend to be lengthy; he deals with this crap all the time.

  3. …I tried to bring this up a few days ago, here. Didnt know about the JD link then.


    …but heres the pith of it…

    “BATESVILLE, Ind. (WKRC) – A local child is fighting for her life, while her parents are fighting a policy at Cincinnati Children’s.

    The policy says that you must be vaccinated against the flu and COVID before you can get on the organ transplant list. The organization that oversees the list—and the governmental body that oversees the organization—don’t have vaccination policies, leaving it up to transplant hospitals to make their own decisions.

    The hospital’s decision to not allow unvaccinated patients on the list, coupled with the parent’s decision to not get their daughter vaccinated, could have dire consequences for the little girl from Batesville, Indiana.”


    …a 12 yo left to die from a treatable condition AT THE HOSPITALS DISCRETION NOT THE DONOR NETWORK soley because her family has religious objections to her getting a shot made from murdered infants THAT THEY ADMIT PREVENTS AND TREATS NOTHING AND CAN ONLY CAUSE INJURY AND DEATH.

  4. call around for a stethoscope-****** who will provide rx for iver/hcq & tell the hospital-******* to fkoff. i had a dei dskr offer to get me something to “lessen” covid symptoms, i said fku.

  5. …and Little Morphin’ Annie, Im sorry you had to go through that and you and yours are in my prayrs, but yes, a patient advocate is ABSOLUTELY necessary. And do NOT let them bully or belittle you. They found that didnt work with me because Ive been around and know some things and seen doctors cut down to size in unguarded moments, but they sure do TRY.

    Some of you may remember a previous post or two from me on how you ABSOLUTELY need to be there for your patient, and by way of example I recounted the time that, due to a dithering nurse that didnt know how to grind pills and was latee paralysed by procedure, an on-call doctor that didnt answer his phone, and an anaphalactic reaction to medication, I had to save my sons life IN A HOSPITAL and call a code MYSELF, as a father and nothing more, and then found out most of my sons charted information was wrong by listening to the code team doctors and had to correct it before they acted on the errors.

    Wanna guess what that hospital was?

    Heres some clues.

    It was my SON.

    And we live near CINCINNATI…

  6. If you really need serious help in the central states area , go to Mayo or Iowa City. Cincinnati has always had a problem and they tend to sweep you under the rug if you don’t comply.

  7. Little Morphin’ Annie
    Wednesday, 12 February 2025, 16:28 at 4:28 pm

    “And don’t even get me started on last night’s rescue squad… one of whom told me I couldn’t ride in the ambulance –because of covid restrictions, two of whom told me it would be fine, and the fourth one who declared himself ‘in charge,’ and told me I couldn’t –because of insurance regulations. They drove off in two vehicles, leaving me home alone at night, up a hill in a snowstorm on a secondary road, and taking the semiconscious patient to the ER without the glasses, medications, and insurance info in my purse.”

    …and I contine to be horrified and disgusted by stories like this. In MY day, we refused NO ONE. Sure, in some cases some special attention may be paid like the cops cuffing a pt to the cot and following behind, but no matter how unlikely your story, no matter how sick and with what you were, no matter how much a drunken asshole you may be, if you wanted to go…we took you.

    And this applied to ride-along MPAs too.

    …the weirdest one I had was we went to a house for a guy stroking out. Common enough, but unbenownst to us, the cops wanted to get in the house to disrupt the son’s take-out head candy biz, and decided we were a great pretext to get in.

    …so Ive got the Laredal out suctioning bits of some kind of dryish meat out of old dude’s recently purged throat when something goes down in a connecting room behind us and a cop and Sonny Boy decide to see whos ground game is better, rolling over the back of my legs while I kneel next to Old Dude in the process. Well, eventually they cuff Sonny and lead him outside, I finish grossing myself out trying to figure out what the hell came out of that guy’s esophagus, and we roll him over and stuff him in and prepare to depart under full sail since Old Dude aint doing so good.

    I was driving that night, lucky me, and as Im strapping in the passenger door unexpectedly opens and a pissed-off cop shoves none other than Sonny boy in, rather ungracefully due to his cuffed hands, says something about he needs to tell us stuff about his dad and give the hospital permission to treat (not true but cops dont always know), and after admonishing dude they’d be right behind us so no-funny-stuff, he departs, leaving me nose-to-nose with a bruised and angry suspected drug dealer when MY hands have to be on the wheel and only a RESCUE holster at my side.

    Whut up, dawg?

    …Sonny didnt have any wisdom to impart that we hadnt already figured out and the conversation petered out pretty quick, seeing as how he obviously had other things on his mind and I desperately didnt want him to inadertently tell ME anything that Id have to testify about in Court. So I got down to wheel twisting and he remained mostly lost in his doubtlessly unpleasent thoughts, so other than his throwing me a baeful side-eye or two when Id reach between us for the radio mic, the trip passed uneventfully if tensely as father and son were reunited under the auspices of ER security while I more than happily scuttled to the Squad room to help my partnrr complete the report that we may more quickly leave our ward and HIS ward safely, if uncomfortably, behind.

    The point here is, he wasnt denied. I wasnt happy, but I wasnt THERE to be happy. I was there to take care of Pops and if the best way to do that was schlep Sonny along, so be it.

    And I wasnt rare or alone or unique in that. The idea that ANYONE I ran with would reject a pt that wanted/needed to go to the hospital would have struck us as laughable, and the concept that we would abandon a pt FOR BEING TOO SICK utter LUNACY.

    …my, how times change.

    …I thought THIS was as low as the Coof fearing dastards could go.


    …but, wow, yours sounds like straight-up patient abandonment.

    Very, VERY illegal in most places, civilly and criminally.

    Im no lawyer and dont know the law where you are,

    But when you get clear of the hospital, you really SHOULD talk to someone who IS.

  8. SNS: Thanks for all that.
    To clarify: patient wasn’t abandoned; I, the sole caregiver, was. The squad did great work, taking the patient down a long sloped drive in 6 inches of snow to the ambulance parked at the street, where I was denied a ride along. If they didn’t feel comfortable bringing the heavy ambulance up, I sure wasn’t going to drive my little car down, and head out on unplowed roads. I asked the guy ‘in charge’ how I was supposed to get to the hospital –that they were heading to, with room to spare. He said he didn’t know, just knew I wasn’t going with them. I offered to sign a waiver, call his boss to ask for an exception, anything to ride along with the patient, who was in no condition to communicate. “Not Happening,” he said.

    So, patient wasn’t abandoned or denied their care, only mine. And, our family was separated during a medical emergency, halfway through an 18 hour snowstorm. I’d like to know who was supposed to be helped by that, and which nitwit liberal is going to cry and champion our cause. (Paging AOC…) But first, I had to get to the hospital to prevent a wobbly signature on authorizations for flu shots, Remdesivir, DNR orders, and whatever the latest culling techniques are. Ghoulish bastards.


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