12-Year-Old Girl Injured Doing the Viral ‘Fire Challenge’ – IOTW Report

12-Year-Old Girl Injured Doing the Viral ‘Fire Challenge’

Breitbart: Twelve-year-old Timiyah Landers from Detroit was severely injured Friday while attempting to participate in the latest in a series of potentially deadly internet “challenges.”

In the “fire challenge,” people pour flammable liquids onto their own bodies and set themselves ablaze. The activity may sound ludicrous and self-evidently dangerous, but many children are drawn to such stunts in a bid for internet immortality.

Go see

SNIP: But Prager’s YouTube videos are dangerous?

25 Comments on 12-Year-Old Girl Injured Doing the Viral ‘Fire Challenge’

  1. Yeah, those darned Buddhists have a way with self immolation by setting themselves on fire. Or if she was French and named Jean (Joan of Arc) the English would’ve set her on fire. What about the Superman challenge when you’re a little kid to see if you can fly off the garage?

  2. Poor child and family, she is seriously burned. Kids (and some adults) do not always realize the danger, such as flammable clothing and how quick it ignites. This is a sad story.

    Tough crowd, Gruff the Goat gets more sympathy than a burned child.

  3. These morons are the leftist indoctrinated votors and politicians of the future.
    The same idiots who snort plastic, eat soap detergent pods, etc, think they will decide what is free speech, and what (if any) firearms I can have to protect my family.
    God help us all.
    Keep your powder dry

  4. I am not an uncaring person but any 12 year old that does not know that fire is hot deserves her Darwin candidacy. Now hundreds of thousands of dollars are going to be spent on her recovery by either the taxpayer or an insurance company. Either way we the people are going to pay for this stupidity. A go fund me page, pulease.


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