12 Years Later, Rick Santelli Nails It Again – IOTW Report

12 Years Later, Rick Santelli Nails It Again

Heard about the video but hadn’t seen it til now.
WTG, Rick!

10 Comments on 12 Years Later, Rick Santelli Nails It Again

  1. For anybody “in the market” CNBC was essential viewing, not anymore. Although Foxnews has lost me, probably forever, I still watch the Fox Business channel every morning, which again demonstrates why competition is a good thing.

    This is also a good example how diaphanous the “shut it down” crowd really is. Once you get past the Science trope and pin them down, they got nothin’.

  2. Kudos to Rick Santelli. wow it was awesome shutting down Sorkin (mr. Know it all). Thanks Rick……you da man !! Thanks for speaking common sense and nailing down your convictions. They all tried to overlord you but you stood your ground……

  3. That was essentially the simplest way to define a conservative vs a socialist.

    Toronto’s Mayor John Tory, Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford are both supposed to be conservative however, They have us in lockdown currently again with jammed Big Box Stores while little guys are getting slaughtered.

  4. If the science, which we have to blindly follow, is always right, then how come the first lockdown failed? The liberal left has no idea what to do but will insist that they always know better…same with climate change and anti-fracking policies as they lead us over the socialist cliff.

  5. Rick DOES NOT nail it because is letting them control the narrative. There is no pandemic and the tests are phony because they are amplified 45 times. The whole pandemic is a HOAX.

  6. Sorkin has a smug, supercilious punchable face, and Santelli jabbed him right in the nose, in a figurative sense. Glad to see Santelli is still out there fighting for the truth.


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