120+ Prominent GOP Members Plotting Creation of New Political Party: Report – IOTW Report

120+ Prominent GOP Members Plotting Creation of New Political Party: Report


WASHIGTON — A substantial number of Republicans are reportedly in talks to create a new political party due to their frustration with the aftermath of the Trump Presidency.

The third party in question would be built on “center-right” positions and could be labeled  ‘The Integrity Party’ or ‘The Center Right Party.’

Reuters broke the news: The early stage discussions include former elected Republicans, former officials in the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Trump, ex-Republican ambassadors and Republican strategists, the people involved say.

More than 120 of them held a Zoom call last Friday to discuss the breakaway group, which would run on a platform of “principled conservatism,” including adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law – ideas those involved say have been trashed by Trump. read more

h/t Brad.

43 Comments on 120+ Prominent GOP Members Plotting Creation of New Political Party: Report

  1. This is what happens when our congress critters get up every morning and read the new york times and then check their twitter feeds. Constituent emails and letters are summarily ignored. They are building a new political party to cater to the media they are scared of.

    Fucking Idiots.

  2. …fat, frightened, and pusillanimous is no way to go through life, guys…

    …let’s let the Lord weigh in, shall we…

    “15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

    16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
    Revelation 3:15-16

  3. I’m all for this but….
    If they don’t get a backbone, get rid of the rino’s, continue to sit
    on their collective behind’s and continue to allow the democrats to lie steal and cheat, it will end up just like the current republican party.

  4. Evan McMullin is leading this parade. He seems like the kind of guy that just fucks up everything he touches. Let’s see, 120 member, close friends and family, I’m saying 1249 votes is all they ever get.

  5. “The Splitter Party” has a nice ring to it, since that’s the real goal of it…it’s just there to keep up the “loyal opposition” illusion while dividing those who may oppose tyranny.

    …Dante knew what to do with splitters and schismatics, let’s hope in THIS part of hell he’s right…

    Are you a teacher? Subscribe today to access hundreds of premium teaching resources and lesson plans!
    Canto 28
    WHO, e’en in words unfetter’d, might at full
    Tell of the wounds and blood that now I saw,
    Though he repeated oft the tale? No tongue
    So vast a theme could equal, speech and thought
    Both impotent alike. If in one band
    Collected, stood the people all, who e’er
    Pour’d on Apulia’s happy soil their blood,
    Slain by the Trojans, and in that long war
    When of the rings the measur’d booty made
    A pile so high, as Rome’s historian writes
    Who errs not, with the multitude, that felt
    The grinding force of Guiscard’s Norman steel,
    And those the rest, whose bones are gather’d yet
    At Ceperano, there where treachery
    Branded th’ Apulian name, or where beyond
    Thy walls, O Tagliacozzo, without arms
    The old Alardo conquer’d; and his limbs
    One were to show transpierc’d, another his
    Clean lopt away; a spectacle like this
    Were but a thing of nought, to the’ hideous sight
    Of the ninth chasm. A rundlet, that hath lost
    Its middle or side stave, gapes not so wide,
    As one I mark’d, torn from the chin throughout
    Down to the hinder passage: ‘twixt the legs
    Dangling his entrails hung, the midriff lay
    Open to view, and wretched ventricle,
    That turns th’ englutted aliment to dross.

    Whilst eagerly I fix on him my gaze,
    He ey’d me, with his hands laid his breast bare,
    And cried; “Now mark how I do rip me! lo!
    “How is Mohammed mangled! before me
    Walks Ali weeping, from the chin his face
    Cleft to the forelock; and the others all
    Whom here thou seest, while they liv’d, did sow
    Scandal and schism, and therefore thus are rent.
    A fiend is here behind, who with his sword
    Hacks us thus cruelly, slivering again
    Each of this ream, when we have compast round
    The dismal way, for first our gashes close
    Ere we repass before him. ”
    -Dante, “Inferno”, Canto 28

    …they get split for all eternity in hell because they split mankind in life.

    …seems fitting to me…

  6. Great. Then the right thinking hard working Trump voters can take over the Republican party structure and put some strong candidates on the local and national ballots.

  7. Principled conservatism? Sounds like “compassionate conservatism” from Bush has evolved into this new term, which will be just as useless and will further erode what rights we have left. Notice that these principled conservatives never seem to list the laws that Trump has trashed, or how he has violated the Constitution (unless one of the articles says that the president should listen to “scummy Republican strategists and ex-GOP elitists who care more about money and prestige than about the direction of the country or the actual citizens.”).

    Maybe their new party can have the “Yield” sign as their mascot, since that is how they will end every fight against the democrats – yielding to what the left wants while begging for more donations to continue the “fight”.

  8. Yeaaahhhh……no. After what the Repubeletards did to the TEA Party…….no. Anyone of The Old Party trying to make a new party……no.

  9. It’s a ruse to thwart PDJT from remaining head of the GOP. Bullshit: Trump should form his own party. This group of assholes with have a base of ZERO, as will the shell that’s left by the GOP.

    We’re living through history, my friends. It’s never easy. But we do have a choice how to plan for it. Better to be ready for battle, then to be caught blind-sided – like Jews who decided to remain in Germany as the Nazis took power. We saw how decisions like that work out.

  10. *The third party in question would be built on “center-right” positions and could be labeled ‘The Integrity Party’ or ‘The Center Right Party.’

    Grow some balls and be a ‘US Constitution’ party, you self-serving $$$holes.

  11. “…including adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law – ideas those involved say have been trashed by Trump.”

    What are they yakking about? I can not figure out what part of the Constitution or rule of law Trump was supposed to have trashed.

    Those white-haired fat-bastard RINO’s are full of shit. But fine, let them create their new party. When that fails to excite anybody, they’ll run to join the dumpocrap party. Who needs ’em?

  12. As I have mentioned before, the problem with third parties falls into one of two categories.

    1) The party is built around principles that will not gain strong enough voter support to get a significant number of people elected, if they get anybody elected. Examples: the Communist, Green, Libertarian, and, dare I say Integrity parties. Honestly, what is the difference between the current Republican Party and the proposed new Integrity Party? The reason for this new party is that the Republicans allowed the Great Unwashed to have too much of a say. The Integrity Party intends to nominate more strong candidates along the lines of Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Yeah, people are just chomping at the bit for that.

    2) “Vanity” parties. You couldn’t get the nomination of the Democrats or Republicans in your bid for the White House so yo start your own party six months before the election. That’ll work. Just ask George Wallace, H. Ross Perot, and Pat Buchanan.

    We need a new party, and we need it now. Donald Trump got more legitimate votes than anyone in history. His backing cuts across racial lines. It might take one or two cycles, but it could work. We need to tell the elites that we are mad as hell and we won’t take it anymore.

  13. Why don’t they try to win the primaries?
    – That’s the only legitimate way to protest where the party is going.
    – Creating a third party only hands elections to the evil Democrat party
    The reason is they know they can’t win a primary, and they like the Democrats better than the Trump team

  14. I changed my party affiliation to Independent. I’m disgusted at the way Republicans have acted really, ever since the Daddy Bush days. They’ll never get another nickel from me.

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