133 Illegal Immigrants and Nearly $48 Million Worth Of Drugs Seized At Texas Border In 5 Days, CBP Reports Show – IOTW Report

133 Illegal Immigrants and Nearly $48 Million Worth Of Drugs Seized At Texas Border In 5 Days, CBP Reports Show

True Pundit: Customs and Border Protection arrested 133 illegal immigrants and seized roughly 7,630 pounds of narcotics were seized at the border between Texas and Mexico over five days, according to the agency.

Authorities intervened in drug smuggling, human smuggling and trafficking and illegal crossing attempts, and recovered around $47,863,472 worth of narcotics, according to 15 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports between Aug. 25 and Aug. 28.

Border Patrol agents near Spofford, Texas, arrested an illegal immigrant who was previously convicted of murder in Texas in 1998, CBP announced on Aug. 25. The same day, Border Patrol agents rescued one illegal immigrant who reportedly got lost around Comstock, Texas, the agency said. more here

9 Comments on 133 Illegal Immigrants and Nearly $48 Million Worth Of Drugs Seized At Texas Border In 5 Days, CBP Reports Show

  1. Who in the fuck is taking all of these drugs? I know 7 or 8 people from my CO days that smoke some reefer but that’s it. I’m so GD naive it’s pitiful. They wouldn’t be coming here if there weren’t a market but Lordie.

  2. They are not immigrants. They are not even illegal aliens. They are smugglers, traffickers, criminals, criminal conspirators. But certainly, positive they are not immigrants. To call them as such is to engage in the soft propaganda.

  3. Wonder how much got through without being caught?

    This stuff (and the people) wouldn’t be getting sent across the border without knowing there was a good probability of making it through without being caught.

  4. They’re. NOT! Illegal. Immigrants. They’re. Illegal. ALIENS!!
    Use the proper fuckin’ terminology.

    And to make sure they DON’T “illegal” and smuggle ever again……


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