$15 Minimum Wage is OBLITERATING the Cali Restaurant Scene – IOTW Report

$15 Minimum Wage is OBLITERATING the Cali Restaurant Scene

The $15 dollar minimum wage is having the exact affect we all said it would, and it isn’t a good one.

In fact, it’s actually destroying businesses.

In many cases, restaurants operate on a razor-thin margin, in terms of revenue.

With the addition of a $15 minium wage, it’s only a matter of time before restaurants (and people) lose their jobs.

California is finding that out the hard way, as businesses go under and jobs are lost.

Much like every other failed socioeconomic “progressive” policy, the minimum wage hike ended up doing more harm than good, proving that the left’s “free stuff for everybody” narrative simply doesn’t work.

From Fresno Bee

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.


14 Comments on $15 Minimum Wage is OBLITERATING the Cali Restaurant Scene

  1. Like most progressive/socialist initiatives forced upon businesses and individuals, the results are unimportant, it’s the thought behind the action that counts.

    There may be 65% fewer people working in the Restaurant industry, but those left will be making $15 per hour, so the progressive/socialists did good in their book.

    An added benefit for the progressives is the terminated employees are now wards of the state, on assistance and don’t need to work. Free food, subsidized housing, electricity, free healthcare and free job training.

    As Pelosi stated, they are free to pursue their art and spend more time with their families. No worries, the remaining taxpayers will again pick-up the tab.

  2. Its not that they don’t realize what will happen, they do and thats the point. Their scheme is to destroy everything. They just use blindly following idiots to help.

  3. @Tim

    Leftist brains have Common Core math replacing common sense, so any figure you choose will correct. That’s why CA stat congress can pass a $400 Billion single payer healthcare bill, without even modicum of math resolution.

    I wonder when the rainbow unicorn will replace the bear on the state flag.

  4. “With the addition of a $15 minium wage, it’s only a matter of time before restaurants (and people) lose their jobs.”

    Well, anyone looking for a job, I hear they’re hiring 500 laborers to work on the Oroville Dam. You may have heard about this disaster in California where 250,000 people were evacuated in February. 900 feet of the dam spillway is being replaced, the bottom portion by Nov. 1. There’s no housing so sleep in your car, must pass the drug test, must be able bodied with good work ethics. Hiring begins Monday at the unemployment office. Here’s a video cam of the lower spillway. Oh and it’s 100+ degree working conditions. Stay hydrated! Good luck! there’s work out there!


  5. I love Sunday morning California catastrophe stories! If there is is lull in the Earthquake and wild fire catastrophes the idiots take up the slack and produce a crisis.

  6. It’s probably worth noting that the wage increase also effects any payroll taxes such as Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Taxes and any others that may be withheld if they are calculated as a percent of gross income.

    The trouble is that most people that are in favor of the minimum wage really don’t see the impact. They figure “what’s a few bucks an hour” without realizing all the work that goes on behind that smile you get when pay for your burger or tofu wrap. There’s likely overnight maintenance, opening setup, backroom staff the customer never sees, evening prep, closing cleanup and lots more. If a restaurent runs seven days a week from 10 AM to midnight and is a fast food type they are looking at about 200 man hours to staff on a weekday (that’s off the top of my head from experience decades ago). On Friday, Saturday and Sunday it’s closer to a total of 890 (300, 350, 240). That’s for a reasonable successful operation. Together that’s around 1690 hours and that $1,690 dollars a week (not including the earlier mentioned holdbacks that are either paid by the employer or jointly paid). That’s $87,880 annually which may just be the entire profit. The owner’s expenses are mostly fixed and food cost, labour and maintenance are about the only three he can do something about and cutting anyone of the thre (or all of them) will reduce his ability to compete and could gradually lead to closing of the business.

  7. Doesn’t break my heart in the least. Californians continue to shoot themselves in the foot constantly with the voting decisions they make. Tough. It’s a cruel world we live in.

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