15 Sharks spotted— ‘Exit the water in a calm manner’ – IOTW Report

15 Sharks spotted— ‘Exit the water in a calm manner’

OC Register: A video shot from an Orange County Sheriff’s Department helicopter gives an overhead view of great white sharks hanging around near shore in Capistrano Beach as officers warn paddleboarders and swimmers near the surfline.

“You are paddleboarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks,” Deputy Brian Stockbridge said in the video shot at 1:53 p.m. Wednesday, May 10, above the Dana Point beach. “They are advising you exit the water in a calm manner. The sharks are as close as the surfline.”

The sharks were spotted from Capistrano Beach in Dana Point, south to San Onofre State Beach, where a woman was bitten by a shark April 29. The area was also put under shark advisory, according to an announcement by Camp Pendleton.

OC Lifeguards Chief Jason Young said there were two reports in the Capo Beach area. In addition to the sheriff’s helicopters, there were secondary reports from people on the beach who saw a shark breach.  Read More


24 Comments on 15 Sharks spotted— ‘Exit the water in a calm manner’

  1. A couple years ago my accountant and his wife were taking a Shuttle over to Catalina Island and the ran into a bunch of Seals swimming parallel to the boat. Just as people start whipping out their cell phones to document the moment a Great White breached while gathering dinner. He has some pretty impressive cell phone video. It looked just like Shark Week.

  2. They just want to cuddle! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8c/59/bb/8c59bbe066953cc93a777a1deef1ccbb.jpg

    Every 4 years our scout troop canoes around Catalina Island. When we paddle past the old quarry, a couple of miles outside of Avalon, I always say ‘keep your hands and feet inside the canoe – we’re in shark territory!’, which of course is funny because the sun is out and the water is clear, but is true because it is sea lion habitat. I mentioned this many years ago to a guy who studied sharks, and he commented that that was exactly where they went to find and tag great whites.

  3. “Well, by using obama math, that means it’s Bush’s fault.”

    I shut an argument down on FB a couple weeks back when some Libtard posted “How mush longer is Trump going to continue to blame Bush?’

    I love when they throw them soft and easy right over the plate.

  4. USA has nearly 40% of worldwide ‘shark attacks’, but fewer than 10% of fatalities. ‘Attack’ is usually a 2-3′ shark in a foot of murky water biting someone’s ankle. And there are still fewer than 100 a year worldwide! Fatal attacks in the US are almost always an idiot swimming in sea lion habitat, shark bites once and realizes its error but hits the artery.

  5. Excuse me. You people need to address that shark by its PC name.
    Large Raycis Shark. I invite Al Sharpton to put on a black swimsuit and swim fins and go out there to protest.

  6. I spend a lot of time in Encinitas and nearby Carlsbad. Those are major surfing areas. I’ll bet they are still out there today. I stay onsand and watch them. I call it bait watching. Its my own game; the family has no idea.

  7. The entire Camp Pendleton area is ideal for sharks.
    How about this Scripps guy,” it could be from our rising waters” ahhh No Way I say. Imagine the Great’s ” water’s a little high, don’t drown”

  8. O.k. everybody – time to wade out to the surf line and do your best wounded sea lion impression. Winner is…err…will get a free meal.

  9. Wait until they find the Former stunning, La Jolla Childrens Pool. The Libtards let the Seals take over what Helen Scripps Donated as a Gift to the Children of San Diego (Grand Woman). It’s now a full blown Seal Rookery,and I think they are about to pay for it !
    We Warned them, that they were creating a Great White Shark Cocktail Bar. But the Seals where Sooo Cute !

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