17 Things Leftists Ruined in 2017 – IOTW Report

17 Things Leftists Ruined in 2017

It’s a good one. Some of the things on this list hasn’t been covered on other blogs’ lists-of-the-year.


Patriot Retort: Let’s be honest. I could probably do 1700 things Leftists ruined in 2017.

I even considered making it 37 to keep with the supremely racist article from Buzzfeed “37 Things White People Ruined in 2017.”

But seventeen is more than enough. I’ll save that longer list for 2037 (if Leftists are still around).

Here we go:

1. Knitting

When everything gets politicized by these cranks, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that they ruined knitting.

My Mom is a knitting and crocheting genius. In fact, I’m wearing slippers right now that she made for me a few Christmases ago.

Knitting used to be one of those lovely past times that kept your hands busy while you watched TV or spent time with family.

But then they came along and ruined it.

Honestly, I don’t know why they’re so angry at Vanity Fair for suggesting Hillary take up knitting. Didn’t all angry Leftist women take up knitting this year?  —The rest, here

10 Comments on 17 Things Leftists Ruined in 2017

  1. I have a fairly decent sense of humor, if I do say so myself. However, that Kevin Allred one really irked the sh** out of me. “Fighting for our lives under Trump”? This moron doesn’t seem to have picked up a f***ing history book in his life.

    Ignorance abounds, even within myself, but willful ignorance – that kind of assholery goes beyond even that. What a f***wad.

  2. Progressivism

    And thank God!

    Donald Trump has allowed me the luxury of illustrating what I have been saying for four decades.

    Up until this year the Goddamned eRepublicans have torpedoed every effort I have made. If nothing else – I now have some validation from above.

    To make a point and then have it undermined is frustrating, to say the least, I owe this man more than I could ever repay. Not that he is alone, I owe the Founding Fathers too, but here is a man that will not leave me standing on the corner with my pants down around my ankles because he is a coward.

    Fuck me in the ear if I had not all but given up hope.

  3. I just do not know that Donald Trump is, or is not, a renascence man – he may well be. The man holds his cards close to his vest and I do not know what he believes with regard to the “wisdom of the ages,” but I do know this – he is acting like he has been studying and studying hard, what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to what is the best hope for mankind.

    He may have wandered around in the political swamp for decades, but I really don’t give a fuck – he is in-tuned with the zeitgeist and is pretty much on the page I am on today and has the political skills to advance MY agenda.

  4. These humorless blobs did their best to ruin knitting. Bleepity, bleep mo fo’s. I’veen knitting for 40 years and do it because murder is illegal. This book https://www.amazon.com/Grumpy-Cats-Knitting-Nightmares-Miserable/dp/0486806111 had the cutest cat hat pattern I was going to make and then along came pussy hats. These abysmally stupid women have to taint everything they touch.

    I dropped a craft board that went lefttard with stupid safety pin projects. Arrrggggghhhhh!

  5. They’re ruining fewer things these days, thanks to a guy named Trump.

    PS Doesn’t Zippy look adorable in his pussy hat?

    And, if that doesn’t trip your gaydar, nothing will.

  6. Eugenia, I, too, like to knit, and with five granddaughters I would have loved to have made them a little kitty cat hat. But I can’t do it now, especially since one of my daughters has turned into a flaming nutcase lib. Sigh.

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