$17,000 Rock From Yoko Ono Art Piece Reported Stolen – IOTW Report

$17,000 Rock From Yoko Ono Art Piece Reported Stolen

KFI: Police in Toronto are looking for a stone worth thousands of dollars that was part of an art exhibit by Yoko Ono.

The stone, on which Ono inscribed the mantra “Love Yourself,” is valued at $17,500 CAD or around $14,000 USD.

It was part of an Ono art piece called Yoko Ono: The Riverbed.

Police say visitors had been encouraged to touch the art, although they weren’t supposed to take any of it with them.

A woman is suspected in the theft.

“It’ a totally interactive [exhibit],” Officer Gary Long told the Toronto Star. “[There’s] a bunch of rocks on the ground and people can walk up to them and pick them up.”

Long says the suspect in the case picked up one particular stone and walked off with it.

She is described as a 55 – 60-year-old woman, about 5-foot-4-inches tall. She was wearing a black coat with black pants and a black striped scarf.   more

35 Comments on $17,000 Rock From Yoko Ono Art Piece Reported Stolen

  1. BWAAAAAAAH Haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaa …. maybe if this was the rock that Yoko hit John Lennon over the head with that lead to his cerebral hematoma that damaged his brain enough to consent to marry her … yeah
    … but … this? …. Earnest T. Bass wouldn’t give you a dollar for it (& I trust his judgement on rock quality much more than carnival barker Bloko Yono)

  2. ya know … I got to thinkin’ (never a good thing)
    if I was one of those rich sumbitches I’d a buy’d that rock

    … & promptly pulverized it w/ a No-Bounce … (wearing my required safety goggles, hearing protection, face shield & hard hat combo)

  3. I’ll sign a rock from Rockland County NY. I’ll sign it “MoeTom”. It will be available on July 4th 2018.
    $5.00 a pop, all proceeds will go to IOTWREPORT.
    Oh forgot, S&H is $150.00.

  4. typical Yoko … not enough talent to actually shape a rock … just takes credit for it
    … her life’s metaphor in one simple creation by God

  5. I must be wealthy and didn’t know it. There are hundreds of stones just like that one in the creek that runs along the south edge of my lawn. However, maybe they only become valuable if I’m a well known nut case with an irritating voice.

  6. I have a 120,000 lb Rai Stone.
    I’ll sell it to you for a cool 1 Billion Dollars.
    But it’s so heavy, you’ll have to leave it with me, but you will own it.

    The lady just took it, doesn’t mean Yoko doesn’t still own it.

  7. @Blink, my property grows rocks! Everytime it rains new boulders pops its rocky ledge up. I have a quartz vein running underneath my house, I bet there’s gold under my house!

  8. I once worked with a guy who had a volcanic-looking rock on his desk which he had labeled “Ancient Hawaiian Sex Stone”. When anyone asked him what that meant, he would say:

    “It’s just a f**king rock.”


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