19 GOP Congressmen Call For Mueller Hearings – IOTW Report

19 GOP Congressmen Call For Mueller Hearings


Nineteen Republican congressmen signed on to a letter sent out Friday requesting congressional hearings to keep special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of lawyers accountable.

“This team has sweeping authority and an open-ended mission, yet they are allowed to operate largely in secret, selected by and ultimately accountable to only one person: Mr. Mueller himself,” the letter sent to House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley states.

Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin started asking his colleagues to sign the letter in August. The congressmen who signed on include: Iowa Rep. Steve King, Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, California Rep. Duncan Hunter, and Virginia Rep. Dave Brat.  MORE

8 Comments on 19 GOP Congressmen Call For Mueller Hearings

  1. Mueller himself needs to be investigated. He’s a shady bastard and it wouldn’t take long to dig up something about his finances etc. Probably the only way to tame him.

  2. Shit-can Mueller.
    Never should have been appointed in the first place.
    Ask Tricky Dick – appeasing the socialists/totalitarians NEVER works.

    Weakness emboldens them.
    They like nothing better than killing the unarmed and the innocent.

    And appointing Mueller was preemptive surrender – it’s a license for Mueller to steal and for the Demonrats to have an unending supply of BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m pretty disappointed to see it was only 19. Mueller and the appropriate members of his investigation should be made to testify before a select group of congress with anyone with connections to the investigation (McCain for example) not to be allowed to sit on thre select committee. Points of testimoney should be methods used and a clear and detailed update of progress so far.

  4. I saw exactly who Muller was at the Benghazi Hearings. Every congressman preceded his or her questioning with a gushing praise of Muller. Muller was asked questions that he never answered or said he would have to get back to them with the answer. At the time
    Muller stated that he did not even know who was head of the investigation. Muller’s lies sound similar to Obama’s.

  5. I haven’t seen a current total of what this charade is costing the American taxpayers.
    Any one know that number?

    One would think whatever that amount is, it might be better spent on our hurricane
    rebuilding efforts.

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