(1975) Senator Frank Church’s Warning Of Intel Agencies Capability To Impose “Total Tyranny” – IOTW Report

(1975) Senator Frank Church’s Warning Of Intel Agencies Capability To Impose “Total Tyranny”

 The Washington Standard 

On August 17, 1975 Senator Frank Church appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and issued a stark warning about a certain technology perfected by the intelligence community, which could be used by the US government against its own citizens to create “total tyranny.”

The safeguard, the fail safe that the agencies that possess the technological capacity to impose tyranny operate within the law and under proper supervision has been completely ignored, annihilated by the ruling Democrat party.

“There would be no place to hide.” The technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny. And there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such is this capability of this technology.”

“I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America and we must see to it that all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss. That’s the abyss from which there is no return.”

That’s the abyss.”


15 Comments on (1975) Senator Frank Church’s Warning Of Intel Agencies Capability To Impose “Total Tyranny”

  1. Probably the biggest difference I can see between 1975 and now, aside from the technology used for spying that has gotten ridiculously sophisticated and available, is that at least back then we had a Fourth Estate that was not an advocacy group or an extension of a political agenda. It was populated by a cadre of somewhat honest journalists who understood their mission; to hold the powerful accountable. Now they are just the bought dogs of the Democrats, complicit, facilitating the spying, the election manipulation, and the misinformation spreading, all done with their silence in reporting wrongdoing right under their noses.

  2. And we are now living in it. This was the planned outcome post WW2 by the global satanic order. The unholy marriage of centralized government, healthcare, business, education, information, monetary control/manipulation and technology through any means necessary to control the masses by the 1% of the 1%.87

    It has had many modifications to overcome all resistance but only one master; Lucifer.

    Both parties are now one party following the instructions of Devils globalist demons since 1945. Controlled and enforced by the Western Intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement.

    We are experiencing the overt actions now against all patriots and freedom lovers. Our elections have been subsumed, every text, email, phone conversation, and association monitored by the federal apparatus.

    Social Credit scoring has been instituted. Access to personal opinion, information, currency, freedom, travel, association, religion all limited and monitored by government.

    87,000 armed IRS agents monitoring every transaction over 600 dollars. Full access to your private wealth, health, and life. Digital currency to eliminate fiat currency.

    You digital token will bare the 666 code.

    The End of Days is just around the corner.

  3. This guy said the same thing.

    ‘New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities.

    “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.’

    ht tps:/ /thehill.co m/homenews/administration/312605-schumer-trump-being-really-dumb-by-going-after-intelligence-community/

    …it’s not like they didn’t tell us exactly what they planned to do…

  4. I am not a big Frank Church fan because of his leadership in abandoning the Vietnamese people to the N. Vietnamese commies in the Spring of 1975. However, I do agree with him on this that we have allowed the govt. to take away our freedoms as Americans thru an unholy alliance of big tech, the media, hollyweird, academia etc. and the govt.

  5. And we all clamored for the Facebook, where we can post all our personal information. And the Alexa’s, the smart appliances. Planting the tools for them to facilitate invading our privacy. I’m sure somewhere in the fine print of the terms of service of these devices is a notification the they will be monitored.

  6. ” However, I do agree with him on this that we have allowed the govt. to take away our freedoms as Americans thru an unholy alliance of big tech, the media, hollyweird, academia etc. and the govt.”



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