2 Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties – IOTW Report

2 Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties

Just The News: Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden sat down on Thursday night for a town hall televised by ABC and moderated by George Stephanopoulos.

Stephanopoulos, as everyone knows, used to be the communications director for President Bill Clinton. 

But what viewers didn’t know — and the network didn’t divulge — is that two of the attendees who asked questions at the town hall have ties to prominent Democrats.

“One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House,” Fox News reported. “Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration.” more

8 Comments on 2 Biden town hall questioners linked to prominent Democrats, ABC News failed to disclose ties

  1. These things just happen, right? I mean Republican plants often get through the debate and townhall screening process to ambush Democrats with unfair accusations or lob softball rehearsed questions to Republicans equally don’t they?

    It would look suspicious otherwise.

  2. Disney has hated America for 50 years. They hate Walt too. Made a big $ loser movie with Davy Crockett as a white nationalist, isolationist. 20 years ago. THE ALAMO!

    If I said I was not VERY HAPPY the movie lost so much $ I kwoud be a liar!


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