2 dead during Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ weekend – IOTW Report

2 dead during Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ weekend

Activists called on residents to stop shooting each other between Friday to Sunday.

Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ Weekend Lasted For A Good 24 Hours

19 Comments on 2 dead during Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ weekend

  1. Five-Oh don’t give a shit about Baltimorons killing each other, not after April 2015. The military (Md. National Guard in full battle rattle) had to retake the city from a Cat 4 Chimpout and its pillaging negroids.


    “Depolicing” the infested areas is the best thing to happen to everyone. Cordon sanitaire, kill each other, starve, die the Darwinian fate you chose and the rest of us deserve.

    Hey, “nobody kill anybody.” Dial that shit on your sail foam when Boo gets shot.

  2. I can just imagine the organiser’s slapping their forehead’s when they got the news that “the ceasfire has been broken” (as an aside, did anyone ever imagine that phrase would be spoken about an American city) wondering whether the good citizens simply didn’t understand the concept after all this sort of effort works on after school tv shows and PBS. I’ll bet they go on the press and start off by saying the weekend should be treated as just a “test run” and explain the concept again and set another date for the real ‘Nobody kill anyone weekend’.

    In a way I feel sorry for them but years of “Don’t Snitch” campaigns, lax law enforement and light sentences or diversion have taken it’s toll just as it has in Chicago.

  3. Other than Trump, have you heard ANY prominent politician proclaim that America’s cities are a disgraceful disaster??
    Apparently they all think everything’s been fine for the last 50 years and there is no work to be done. Their every day is too busy with reelection-campaign fundraising, free bowling and free haircuts and pederasty.

  4. ⏫⏫ UPDATE! ⏫⏫

    Criminals who don’t honor scraps of paper with fancy stamps and signatures on it (laws) they probably won’t honor community SUGGESTIONS either.

    We learn more about criminals every day don’t we.

  5. Socialist unicorn fart ideology is no match for flying thug bullets.
    How could a so called cease fire be honored by those who absolutely have no honor.

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