2 decades before college admissions scandal, the Clintons tried to game system for Chelsea’s boyfriend – IOTW Report

2 decades before college admissions scandal, the Clintons tried to game system for Chelsea’s boyfriend

WaEx: Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to bully a prestigious scholarship program into selecting Chelsea Clinton’s then-boyfriend and then sought “payback” when they were resisted, according to a former top foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama.

The episode took place nearly 19 years ago but has fresh resonance after revelations last month of multimillion-dollar bribes paid by parents to get their children into elite colleges, including Stanford University, which Chelsea Clinton and her then-boyfriend Jeremy Kane attended. Among those recently implicated was Michelle Obama’s former tennis coach.

Trina Vargo, a veteran U.S. adviser on Ireland, founded the George J. Mitchell Scholarship in 2000. It was named after the former senator who brokered the talks that led to the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement. Vargo said that Bill Clinton intervened in the first year of the scholarship, when Kane, whose 3.19 grade-point average was much weaker than those of the top candidates, had failed to make the final selection round.

President Clinton, who was in his last weeks in the White House, called Mitchell to express his displeasure, according to Vargo in her new book Shenanigans: The U.S.-Ireland Relationship in Uncertain Times. He had submitted a letter of recommendation for Kane, who had already landed an internship in the Clinton White House during his relationship with Chelsea.

Kane worked in the White House speechwriting office from June to September 2000, arriving some 18 months after Clinton had been impeached over this affair with another White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. Kane’s name was not included in Vargo’s book but the Washington Examiner was able separately to establish his identity. read more

16 Comments on 2 decades before college admissions scandal, the Clintons tried to game system for Chelsea’s boyfriend

  1. Amazing. 10 Years after their string pulling was ignored Sec of State Hillary cuts the funding for the scholarship. Talk about holding a grudge.

    Too bad she did not take that 500k and put it towards security in Benghazi.

  2. Would be most interesting to see who bribed colleges Barry the Fairy and Bike Mike went to. Neither one of them has the brains to get into Tire Changing school.

  3. The Clintons didn’t invent corruption, but they honed it into a science. No one hold a candle to these two POS excuses for human beings. Hope to live long enough to piss on their graves.

  4. This says nothing about the Clinton’s bribing Cesar Milan and putting Vernon Jordan on the board of Purina to get Chelsea into the finest obedience school in the country.

  5. Ms. Vargo is extremely lucky she didn’t get Arkancide-ed. If the Clinton’s went to all this trouble to get the boyfriend into a prestigious college, think about the strings they pulled to get their homely little spawn into Stanford.

    Side note: That boyfriend deserved a scholarship just for being able to control his gag-reflex during his tenure as BF.


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