2-mile homeless camp takes over in California’s posh Marin County – IOTW Report

2-mile homeless camp takes over in California’s posh Marin County

NYP: A two-mile strip of road in posh Marin County, California – which George Lucas, Tony Bennett and Robin Williams have all called home – has been overrun by a vagrant camp that has brought drugs and devastation to the area.

Binford Road in the city of Novato has devolved into a makeshift neighborhood of “tweakers” with hordes of people living apparently rent-free in a shabby collection of broken-down RVs and trailers parked at the side of the street.

The Post counted 71 vehicles during a recent visit, where locals blamed local authorities for encouraging the encampment in the area — and where homes cost a $1.3 million median price.

Kathy, who has lived in the neighborhood for 40 years, said: “I can’t park and move into a city street. Why are they letting them do that?”

“It appears to us this is just the easy way out – and California is making it really easy for them and very hard on us, the people who live here.”

The camp has also proven to harbor crime. Authorities investigating a convicted sex offender who lived along Binford Road in March instead discovered the dead body of a man who had overdosed on fentanyl, according to a report from MarinLocalNews.com. more

14 Comments on 2-mile homeless camp takes over in California’s posh Marin County

  1. Try getting a job in CA if you are white, middle age, conservative, don’t speak spanish, don’t worship BLM and La Raza, and aren’t sleeping with the head of HR.

  2. I used to live in Novato. I just looked up Binford Road. It is a somewhat industrial area on the north side of town. Not TOO far from a nice area.

  3. Last month I officiated the boy’s High School tennis championships at Mt. Tam HS, Mill Valley, it was a whole different world. Not only was it the most beautiful HS I had ever seen, the parking lot was filled with Tesla’s and each kid looked like a Benetton commercial, but it was just pristine, no trash, and every bush was perfectly manicured. But I did notice this, no black kids. Next to the tennis courts, there was a swim meet going on. Next to that the la crosse and baseball teams were practicing and about 15 white kids shooting hoops. In total, I probably saw 400 kids and it was only about 2 hours there when I saw a black girl walk into the gymnasium. The leftists sure do talk a good game about inclusion and equity, just not in their neighborhoods.

  4. I would have loved to have been able to speak to a few of the teachers………..off the record. Here’s my guess, those teachers are very well paid and work at that school precisely because there are no black kids attending, no chance of getting mugged in the parking lot, no worries about disorderly kids that they are prohibited from disciplining because of, you know, equity, no black kids calling them racist because they have an expectation of academic excellence for the students, and comforting job security, knowing that rich parents fund their school districts.

    But there is a drawback. It is difficult to have white students prostrate themselves and ask forgiveness for the sins of their race when no back kids are in the room. Maybe they have a cardboard cutout of Obama at the front where they can all take turns with their very public confessions.

  5. Gavin Newsome owns a home in Marin County. He also lives in Sacramento where the homeless are in the thousands. Marin county is Northern California’s Hollywood liberals. So happy the ho9meless are giving the rich a run for their money. However, I doubt any of the Marin residents are giving out money to those that crap and sleep on their streets. Maybe take a shower with their garden hose. LMAO! Some homeless tried to set up camp down the road here and residents quickly eliminated their campsite, they won’t be back. Marin residents won’t do that. That’s the difference between coasties and red-neck hillbillies.

  6. Lately I’ve been seeing a lotta blacks driving Teslas. All I see from the rearview mirror is fingernails gripping the steering wheel. Was there some electric equity giveaway?

  7. @Rich Taylor
    AT 2:00 PM
    “… knowing that rich parents fund their school districts.”

    Oregon got a head start on the equity game decades ago. School districts used to be self-funded by property taxes in each district. The democrat controlled legislature changed all that, so that property taxes all went to the state which then sent the money back to the districts. In the name if “equity”.


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