2 New Studies Link Incurable Brain Disease to COVID-19 Vaccine – IOTW Report

2 New Studies Link Incurable Brain Disease to COVID-19 Vaccine

Researchers have uncovered a link between an incurable, degenerative brain disease and COVID-19 vaccines.

Two new clinical studies have begun to establish an alarming link between the fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and vaccinations for the coronavirus.

The studies  – one peer-reviewed by researchers in Turkey, and one pre-print by researchers in France – found that the vaccinations may have contributed to the emergence of a new type of sporadic CJD disease.

Researchers found the new type is a lot more aggressive and rapid in disease progression as compared to the traditional CJD.

According to NHS, CJD is a “rare” disease that is caused by abnormal infectious proteins in the brain called “prions.” MORE

7 Comments on 2 New Studies Link Incurable Brain Disease to COVID-19 Vaccine

  1. This is why I took the J&J. It was chemical based and not mRNA based. It was also better tested for safety. I truly believe the feds took it off the market not because it “wasn’t effective” but because it wasn’t lethal enough. This is slow motion mass murder.


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