2 pirates killed while trying to hijack ship near Somalia – IOTW Report

2 pirates killed while trying to hijack ship near Somalia

Boston Herald: MOGADISHU, Somalia — Foreign naval forces in international waters off Somalia’s coast shot dead two pirates and wounded another when the bandits attempted to hijack a ship, a Somali official said Sunday.

The two men were part of a group of nine pirates who were in a boast approaching an unidentified ship near the Gulf of Aden when a naval force opened fire on them, said Ahmed Abdullahi, an official with the anti-piracy force in Puntland, a semi-autonomous part of Somalia.

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30 Comments on 2 pirates killed while trying to hijack ship near Somalia

  1. You’re absolutely right BB. Getting to wack muzzie skinnies with a maw deuce while tooling around the warm gulf waters in the sun. It don’t get better than that!

  2. We should start a security company.
    Just provide us with unlimited ammo, and we will underbid the competition.
    We put state of the art radar on board and we take turns getting our tans on. Then when we see a suspicious boat we turn on the PA system and fire up some Flight of the Valkyrie, and get to shoot automatic weapons and grenade launchers. Then its back to BBQ and speedos.

  3. The two men were part of a group of nine pirates who were in a boast approaching an unidentified ship…

    A boast?

    I always wondered how pirates were able to sneak up upon a ship in open waters. Being fired upon and hit would seem a good deterrent to others.

  4. It’s really ashamed that these guys couldn’t have been retrained in the construction trade, welfare trade, etc… and brought here where they could have been embraced by the overwhelming liberal love that would be assurance of their success here.

  5. “…in a boast,” would be similar to a Somali B.S. session of how they were going to kick the ship’s crews’ butts. Only problem is, they were boasting way too soon. They should have shown their boast after their pirating was a success.

  6. Honestly spelling Nazis destroy the original intent of the story and the thread. DID YOU GET WHAT THE AUTHOR WAS TRYING TO EXPLAIN? Yes? Then STFU. Interesting until NOW!

  7. Uncle Al,
    In international waters the gun laws for any vessel are the same as those as the boats county of origin until they enter within 12 mile from the shoreline of the destination country unless their is a waver in place. Not that hard to manage.

  8. Brad is right but the complication is that you’ll need your own ship because there are few cargo ports in countries that will let you be armed in their territorial waters. Spoilsports. 50s and RPGs could be a lot of fun against absolutely undoubted evildoers.

  9. Best description of the United Nations Peace Keepers I ever heard:
    “The UN peace keeping is like taking your daughter to work and pretending she is being helpful, just to make her feel good.”
    Rob O’Neill, Navy Seal. The Hero Who killed Bin Laden.

  10. Uncle Al
    It’s my understanding that the malnutritioned black “Eye Matie” Pirate shit got so bad that those waivers are boiler plate. Most those contractors are armed with at least a 1200 yard gun and something for in close.

  11. “Captain Phillips”. Deliberately sent out defenseless, thanks to corporate Legal Department policy decided by pantsuited lady lawyers from Wellesley and Amherst.

  12. Piracy by inbred, khat-chewing, Starvin Marvins in speedboats was wiped out around the same time as that stupid “Captain Fantastic Phillips” movie. No thanks to Barky, of course. I have no idea what made this current batch of retarded islamic stickmen think that it was time once again to ply the trade that got killed their dads. Shoot a couple and let the rest get back to shore to deliver the message sounds like a good plan, though.

  13. A private security instructor told me he got an assignment to guard a ship at the docks in San fran bay that was full of munitions. It was a last minute assignment and he made $1200 for a nights work. Big money in private security if you’ve got the connections.

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