2 Prosecutors No Longer with Special Counsel Mueller’s Office – IOTW Report

2 Prosecutors No Longer with Special Counsel Mueller’s Office

Breitbart: Two prosecutors tasked with investigating allegations of possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election have left the Office of the Special Counsel.

Brian Richardson and Ryan Dickey, two “relatively junior,” members of Robert Mueller’s team, are no longer working directly for Mueller, according to the Justice Department. In a statement to CNN, special counsel spokesperson Peter Carr affirmed both prosecutors did not exit the probe due to misconduct or perceived political bias, but refused to provide further details surrounding their departures.

“Richardson had been among Mueller’s attorneys at Dutch lawyer Alex Van Der Zwaan’s sentencing in April. Richardson had joined Mueller’s office directly — whereas some lawyers moved over on detail from other parts of the Justice Department — after he finished a clerkship for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer,” CNN reports.

Van Der Zwaan pleaded guilty in February to making false statements to federal agents regarding conversations he shared with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and business partner Rick Gates. The Dutch lawyer served one month in prison at a low-security facility in Pennsylvania.  more here

5 Comments on 2 Prosecutors No Longer with Special Counsel Mueller’s Office

  1. PopWow, this shit is transfixing. The left is surrounded by criminals who should be in jail, i.e. Clinton, Comey , Brennan, Holder, etc etc etc yet they hold onto the lies and continue down the path of obvious bullshit and payoffs as if they win in the end. Instead, they need to be ready to have their asses handed to them.

    More popcorn!

  2. There’s no firewall between Mueller and everyone (or anyone, it seems) within the FBI and DoJ. How does this make what Mueller is doing have any integrity (yeah, I know, but I’m not using that word to describe character.)

    Has anyone else here seen Watter’s World tonight? The interview with the childhood friend of Cohen who became a U.S. Intelligence asset in Russia? Whoa! Talk about a rat’s nest.

  3. The more time goes on I keep coming back to the sad conclusion that this rat swamp maybe so deep and so broad, so corrupt and so powerful beyond even what we now know, that it will be humanly impossible to fix. That barring something like a plague that indiscriminately kills tens of millions, it is so self-sustaining that it IS the government, forever.

  4. I think they know it about to all blow up in their faces and they want to distance themselves from Mueller and try to get some credibility.
    Otherwise it’s Club Gitmo for a long time.


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