2 things: Hungarian Town Celebrates Terrifying Border Fence, and reporters at NBC are idiots – IOTW Report

2 things: Hungarian Town Celebrates Terrifying Border Fence, and reporters at NBC are idiots

Hungary has struck loathing into the hearts of leftists with one simple trick: a massively successful border fence.A multilayered electric barrier with razor wire has been erected by the Eastern European nation which NBC has summed up as “a modern-day iron curtain that stretches for 100 miles.”  [SNIP: Idiots.]

In 2016, with the migrant crisis knocking on its door the country of Hungary was torn by equally loud voices on both sides. Located in the middle of the debate was the small village of Ásotthalom, situated directly against the Hungary-Serbia-Croatia border, which previously saw a large influx of migrants primarily coming from Greece.

László Toroczkai, the mayor of Ásotthalom—a town of just over 4,000 residents—has been an outspoken proponent in securing the nation’s borders.

“I hope it inspires Americans,” he stated. MORE

SNIP: I hope so, too!

9 Comments on 2 things: Hungarian Town Celebrates Terrifying Border Fence, and reporters at NBC are idiots

  1. “Last year, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were sued by the European Union for openly refusing to fill their migrant “quota.” “

    the future for all Western Civilization …. the One-Worlders are showing us the choice … either we capitulate, or fight

  2. That WAS the plan from the beginning
    MOLAN.Pit human-against-human and then
    come in and clean up the mess.Remember
    the Glad Stones ??? in Jo-juu.

  3. It inspires me !
    How would the NBC folks feel if the Ant vermin (not anti venim) were trying to enter the front and back Doors of their home ? they will beg for help.

  4. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ May 5, 2018 at 10:10 pm

    > the One-Worlders are showing us the choice … either we capitulate, or fight

    When you accept the Wisdom™ of their choice.

  5. Remember the Chimes…The Sounds of Whines
    ♪ nbc ♪ msnbc ♪
    Three distinct pitches G3, E4 and middle finger C creating an arpeggiated C-major chord of the
    second inversion.

    Mika and her NBC mime squad…
    ♪ No ♪ Bell ♪ Clappertraps

    The stable 4-genus of a knot K in 3-space is the limiting value of g_4(nK)/n, where g_4 denotes the 4-genus and n goes to infinity. This induces a
    seminorm on CQ, the concordance genus of a knot is the least genus of any knot in its concordance class. Although difficult to compute, it is a useful invariant that highlights the distinction between the three star genus and a four star genius.


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