2 Tickets to Paradise? – IOTW Report

2 Tickets to Paradise?


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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18 Comments on 2 Tickets to Paradise?

  1. This is just a tax on the mathematically challenged.
    In the past government protected uneducated people from being preyed on by scams like this. Actually, they still do, only now the justification is that they don’t want competition.
    There exist a vanishingly small number of people that play for the sole purpose of throwing money away. The rest are what used to be referred to as suckers.

  2. My sister has never played the lottery. A nagging voice told her to buy ONE ticket today and she did. She then took items to donate to some place and stopped at a store.

    After her trekking, she realized her ticket was not in her pocket. She did go back and purchase another ticket. We will listen carefully for the name of the place where the winning ticket was sold.

    The story of her life would be she lost the winning ticket. I can relate to it. The last time I felt I was on a mission from God, I got a speeding ticket.

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