2 U.S. Citizens Captured After Fighting for Islamic State in Syria – IOTW Report

2 U.S. Citizens Captured After Fighting for Islamic State in Syria

Breitbart: (UPI) — Two U.S. citizens captured in Syria are suspected of fighting for the Islamic State, the Syrian Democratic Forces said.

Warren Christopher Clark and Abed al-Hamid were captured by the U.S.-backed SDF, officials said Sunday. Clark is from the Houston area and once worked as a substitute teacher in the Fort Bend school district in Sugar Land, Texas. Officials said in 2015, he sent a resume and cover letter to the Islamic State seeking a job teaching English in Syria.

“We are aware of open source reports of reportedly American citizens currently in custody who were believed to be fighting for ISIS,” Cmdr. Sean Robertson said. “However, we are unable to confirm this information at this time.”  more

11 Comments on 2 U.S. Citizens Captured After Fighting for Islamic State in Syria

  1. Firing squad my ass!

    If guilty do unto them as they would do unto other…
    BEHEAD THEM on camera and put it on TV for all the other FUKIN MUZZIES and wanna be’s to see!

    Of course that’s just my opinion.

  2. Looking at them, I’m pretty sure that we may not be sending ISIS our best and our brightest, but they sure look like our blackest. Let the Kurds or the Syrians deal with these traitors.

  3. These two scum will be sent back to the United States and be elected to the House of Representatives as democrats and one of them will be the 2020 running mate of the democrat communist party presidential candidate with all those liberal, guilty, white voters voting for him because “it’s time we elected a black, ISIS person as vice president”. If Barack had a son….

    Wait and see.


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