20 Questions For Burka Wearers – IOTW Report

20 Questions For Burka Wearers

The BBC says we shouldn’t question Muslims who wear burkas.

Paul Joseph Watson has a few questions.


14 Comments on 20 Questions For Burka Wearers

  1. I’m Gonna Go ou on a Limb Here, and Assume The Black Lady is Not Being Beaten. Does She Even Know What the Dwarf Sitting Next to Her Has Been Dealing With Her Whole Life…I Don’t Guess They’re Allowed to Speak of Beatings With Each Other !
    Their Men ( Owners ) are so Dam Insecure !!!

  2. Yeah, well, I have a few questions; what are you trying to hide? What the hell do you have against liberty and freedom??
    Why the hell should I give a rats ass about you??

  3. I saw two muslim women yesterday out in the hottest part of the day — head to foot, covered. I couldn’t help it, I just blurted out, “Oh, for $#@@ sake! They’re in the U.S. now! Why don’t they just go get a divorce, rip those stupid coverings off and have lives?!”

    Ultimate Stockholm syndrome.

  4. Burkas hide bruised faces and bodies.

    I suspect none of the women answering questions are really full time burka wearers.

    Burka wearer on the left; hijab wearer on the right. So my ignorant guess is the more they are covered, the more repressed they are and the more bruising needing cover.

    Why don’t women just refuse to wear the garb, once they are in the USA or other refuge country? FEAR! Death by stoning, beating, gang rape, or other torture committed by their slave owner, is their option.

    The saddest thing, is this is normal for them. It has become their comfort zone. They just don’t have a clue, and even when they realize or see freedom, fear keeps them reigned in.

  5. Here’s how to defeat islam. We drop flyers announcing free passage to the U.S. for all muslim women between the ages of 16 and 30 offering them marriage to American husbands who are rich (by comparison) and where they will own refrigerators, washing machines, etc. and will have freedom to become educated, drive, etc. (Of course they will have to denounce islam and we do this with military protection for them.) This will have the double effect of replacing feminist man-hating liberal bitches. I’m going to put my order in now.

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