20 States Sue Biden for Forcing Schools to Allow Transgenders in Female Sports – IOTW Report

20 States Sue Biden for Forcing Schools to Allow Transgenders in Female Sports

Neon Nettle

Twenty states have filed lawsuits against Democrat Joe Biden over his mandate that forces schools to allow biological male transgenders to compete in female sports events.

Biden’s transgender mandate is tied to schools and effectively allows biological boys who “identify” as female to use locker rooms, showers, and bathroom facilities in accordance with their preferred “gender identity” instead of their biological sex, among other issues.

A coalition of 20 states sued the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Education (DOE) over the mandate on Monday.

Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery is leading the way. more

7 Comments on 20 States Sue Biden for Forcing Schools to Allow Transgenders in Female Sports

  1. I hope these 20 states, and hopefully others, keep this jackass bogged down with lawsuits and injunctions for the next 40 months, or until he leaves office (one way or another), whichever comes first.


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