20-year-old college student from wealthy elite family facing possible 4-year prison term for violent BLM rampage in Manhattan – IOTW Report

20-year-old college student from wealthy elite family facing possible 4-year prison term for violent BLM rampage in Manhattan

American Thinker: I feel no schadenfreude for the grim future awaiting a young woman named Clara Kraebber, though I do hope for the sake of the rest of us that she ends up in prison.  Far too many people, many of them young, college educated, and from affluent backgrounds, have become intoxicated from the brainwashing they received in the course of their “higher” education, and feel free to unleash their inner-Shiva by allegedly engaging in destructive riots, somehow in the cause of racial harmony, or maybe sheer revolution.

Young Ms. Kraebber is no dummy. She is a student at Rice University, one of the most selective schools (a mere 9% of applicants were admitted in 2019) in the country and is a graduate of Hunter College High School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, whose students score in the top one-quarter of one percent of students based on test scores. Her parents are members of the nation’s academic elite – her father is a psychiatrist on the faculty of Columbia University, while her mother is the principal of an architectural firm bearing her name whose clients include Columbia and NYU. Her family lives in the Upper East Side in an apartment for which they paid $1.8 million 4 years ago, and also boasts a house in Connecticut with 4 fireplaces.

On Friday, young Clara was arrested for allegedly participating in a 3-hour rampage that did an estimated $100,000 in damage, smashing store windows and doing other damage to lower Manhattan.

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29 Comments on 20-year-old college student from wealthy elite family facing possible 4-year prison term for violent BLM rampage in Manhattan

  1. Rioters and looters need to be shot in the act. If apprehended at a latter time the punishment should be hung by the neck until dead.

    That’s what I think about her .

  2. Ability to excel in academics DOES NOT necessarily equate with intelligence – nor wisdom or character. This young woman is sadly wanting in all three. I suspect her “elite” schooling played a large role in this.

  3. Although it always sounds great when the headlines read “Faces up to X years in prison”, it’s highly doubtful any of these people will be assigned a penal institution number unless they are convicted of murder. Even those little stinkers in Portland who disabled federal police with lasers aren’t going to jail. This of course will only reinforce all the behaviors which got then in trouble in the first place. I’m not even sure anyone will be forced to pay restitution; it being seen as inequitable because not all of them are wealthy enough to pay it back.

  4. JD — Dear old dad’s psychiatric practice specializes in adolescent and teen psychiatry. Wrap your head around that.

    Maybe some justice will come in the form of prospective and current clients rethinking the choice of their child’s shrink.

  5. This anarchist in training should go to a federal lock up for 10 year with ZERO possibility of parole or early release… and she should count her blessings that she is still alive to cry to mommy karen about it.

    Of coarse she will play the victim card to the max, pull out all the stops because she-is-woman-hear-her-roar, and if needed will whip out her gay-card, and if all else fails she will “identify” as black, brown, asian, and american indian so she can play the race card.

    With mommy & daddy both being rich elite ivory tower squatters she will get let off with community service at most and will get her lawyers to fight that viciously because if there is one thing rich elites HATE worse than jail it is to lose face standing in a serving line feeding homeless people or (GASP) picking up trash & road kills on the side of the street.

    To me she should be made an example of and have her citizenship revoked. Her parents can afford to send her off to europe to live among the muzzies where she can learn to be peaceful in her burka while her husband beats/rapes her every night with the blessing of the state.

  6. Mommy and Dad will pull the strings with all their elite social friends and connections in the city.
    There’s a slim chance some poor kid may see jail time for the riots but there’s virtually no way this pampered brat will.

  7. Are you all living in Fantasyland?

    Her arrest just gave her street cred for the rest of her life.

    She will eventually work at a prestigious, white shoe law firm in Chicago, New York or San Francisco before launching a fundraiser for a low level ideologue’s candidacy in her living room and who will eventually become President after creating a do-nothing record that people can project their own wishes and desires onto. And she can say it all started in her living room. Guilty as hell. Free as a bird.

    She may even find true love with another one of her molotov cocktail wielding classmates and help play matchmaker for that candidate for President as well.

    Your are looking at a future Professor Emeritus at a $75k a year ivy league school so show some respeck.

    It’s such a small world when you hold the right opinions.

  8. According to several articles I have read about this little privileged rioter, she has been marching and demonstrating since she was fourteen years old; so her parents have been aware of and condoning her behavior for years. She needs to spend a few years in a Federal Wine and Cheese Pairing Facility, but the odds are against her doing any serious time for her activism.

  9. There is a two tiered justice system now in place in this country. One for wealthy democrat communist elites and some Rhino republicans and one for the rest of us serfs. This spoiled little brainwashed tramp inhabits the elite justice system tier and all charges will be dropped. No consequences for her actions in anyway.

    This is the harsh reality that we now live under in this country.

    By the way this ginger brat looks like a carrot shit all over her head.

  10. So she was with a group who call themselves The New Afrikan Black Panther Party. I’m sure there’s a red headed stepchild joke in here somewhere.

    It’s not a stretch to imagine her parents are wrought with fear and anxiety over this. Fear that she’ll be court ordered to home confinement at one of THEIR homes, and anxiety how to “paper” this over amongst their social circle.

    I can just hear the convo between them and their attys making bail to release her before the crack of dawn to avoid neighbors judgmental whispers.

    Atty: the police estimate 100k in damages.

    Wife to husband: how much cash do you have on you? Just pay the whole amount and a little extra for the cop and let’s get the hell out of here.

    I doubt they’re concerned she has this ideology, only concerned that she got caught.

  11. Unless there is a significant and life changing penalty for these people, one that requires some serious self examination about how they ended up with them, there will never be any reform in the thinking that led to it and their behavior will just continue throughout their entire lives unabated.

    I believe in forgiveness, but forgiveness alone is not always merciful.

  12. I have known too many rich snotty elites who have turned out to be complete jerks. Just because her parents are rich doesn’t give her any more privilege than the rest of us common proles. I’d rather associate with common ordinary real Americans than rich elitist parasites who think that their shit doesn’t stink. Good lucky chickie baby you’re gonna need it living in your liberal progtard groupthink hell. I haven’t liked snobs since I was in Junior High where they tried to rule everyone or think they were better than everyone else with their cool kid cliques and social status. And more of them turned out to be dumbass stoners and alcoholics than the rest of us so called underprivileged normal kids. Envy doesn’t get you anything but a life of misery.

  13. Interesting her father is a child/ adolescent psychiatrist.
    Couple that with the fact she’s been rioting and protesting for 6 years already and you have a guy I wouldn’t let within 10 miles of my kids.
    I’d like to see him interviewed and asked why they let her run wild.

    On a side note about BLM:
    They had planned a big “peaceful protest” here in Portland, Maine. They flew people in and put them up in local hotels and the whole thing.
    They claim they postponed it because they got threats online. Knowing that has never stopped them before we are of the opinion that the Portland Police getting on the radio and tv and asking counter protesters to leave their guns at home probably deterred them.
    They seem ignorant of the fact that almost every household in Maine has guns. LOL.

  14. Well it is only fitting that her white rich privilege ass go to jail. That is what she is fighting for, the right to be treated the same as all the black criminals get. No more release rich kids from responsibility put her in jail for max time.

  15. Before voting I try to do my homework but it’s always difficult to ferret out the liberal judges, they all boast of conservative credentials while running. I hate the sneaky bastards!


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